
LabClub에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

당사는 BOROSILICATE(일명 PYREX)생산의 불모지(원재료가 국내생산이 되지 않음)인 국내에서,원재료는 외국 유명회사인 SCHOTT(DURAN-독일), CORNING(PYREX-미국), ASAHI TECHONO GLASS(PYREX-일본), IWAKI(PYREX-일본)등에서 수입하여 제품을 설계하고, 자르고, 녹이고, 붙여서 하나의 완성된 제품을 생산하는 회사 입니다.

아직까지 시설투자 미비로 외국 유명회사의 기술에는 미치지는 못하지만 수요자가 요구하는 실험용도및 양질의 제품을 만들수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.

항상 저희 제품을 애용하여 주신 분들께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드리며 계속적인 성원 부탁드립니다.

Message and Information From the company

Dashing to the best effort to enhance a satisfaction degree of customers under a catch phrase called as sincerity, creation and innovation the company which has been manufacturing and supplying the chemical equipment for 30 years based on accumulated know-how with the quality control. The proper stock holding and the design of productive equipments in domestic which was a barren land to the production of the PYREX glass experimentation equipment for helping of the innovative science development of new century.

We treat each of our products which care. We will show our customer with our development. Take notice of our company who will lead the 21st century in our field. We ask for your continuous support and encouragement.

Do our best to enhance the customer satisfaction satisfies under a catch phrase called as sincerity, creation and innovation. We manufacture and supply the chemical equipments for 30 years based on accumulated know-how with quality control. Keeping appropriate stock and the design of the equipment in domestic which