Adapter, Pressure Relief Valve,압력조절벨브,Cracking Pressure(3~50psig),(50~150psig)/AD-56-1
general glass apparatus(일반초자기구), 30.adapter related mani fold(AD-56-1), adapter related mani fold, mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인)
제조회사: chojalab & ACE 모델명: AD-56-1 브랜드: glassmade 원산지: korea & UAS 특이사항: 주문제작 & 수입품(재고확인요망) 수입+주문제작품 입니다. 반응조는 별도입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. CAUTION:This labware is not guranted against breakage caused by pressure or vacuum....Manifold, Vacuum Line, Screwcock, Ball Joint and Nipple,밸브전면형 매니폴드,mansc-06~09
mani fold(screw cock), general glass apparatus(일반초자기구), mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인), 26.mani fold(mansc-02~13)고급형
제조회사: chojalab 모델명: mansc-06-,mansc-07-,mansc-08-,mansc-09- 브랜드: glassmade 원산지: korea 특이사항: 주문제작품임. 주문제작품 입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. CAUTION:This labware is not guranted against breakage caused by pressure or vacuum. ...Teflon Union, Straight Type and Teflon Union, T Type(테프론유니온)/uni-39,uni-40
general glass apparatus(일반초자기구), adapter related mani fold, 31.teflon union related mani fold(uni-39~uni-43), mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인)
제조회사: chojalab 모델명: uni-39,uni-40 브랜드: teflon 원산지: korea 특이사항: 주문제작품임. 주문제작품 입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. ...Manifold, Vacuum Line, Screwcock, Ball Joint,밸브전면형 매니폴드,mansc-10~13
mani fold(screw cock), general glass apparatus(일반초자기구), mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인), 26.mani fold(mansc-02~13)고급형
제조회사: chojalab 모델명: mansc-10-,mansc-11-,mansc-12-,mansc-13- 브랜드: glassmade 원산지: korea 특이사항: 주문제작품임. 주문제작품 입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. CAUTION:This labware is not guranted against breakage caused by pressure or vacuum. ...Teflon Union,Tree Way Union,Teflon Union,Four Way Union,4Way Union,3방향유니온,4방향유니온
general glass apparatus(일반초자기구), adapter related mani fold, 31.teflon union related mani fold(uni-39~uni-43), mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인)
제조회사: 모델명: uni-41,uni-42,uni-43 브랜드: 원산지: 특이사항: 주문제작품임 주문제작품 입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. 주문제작품 입니다. 완성된 제품은 수정시 파손위험이 있으니 심사숙고하여 주문하여 주십시요. ...제품소개카테고리
- magnetic drive / flexible shaft and stirrer guider
- general glass apparatus(일반초자기구)
- adapters(아탑터)
- adapters
- adapter/AD-01~AD-06
- adapter/AD-07~AD-13
- adapter/AD-14~AD-22
- adapter/AD-23~AD-34
- adapter/AD-35~AD-43
- adapter/cow-36~cow-42
- adapter/uni-39~uni-43
- adapter/AD-44~AD-54
- adapter/AD-55~AD-63
- adapter/AD-64~AD-77
- adapter/AD-78~AD-86
- adapter/AD-87~AD-97
- adapter/AD-98~AD-99
- adapter/AD-100~AD-102
- adapter/AD-103~AD-109
- adapter/AD-110~AD-113
- adapter/AD-114~AD-115
- adapter/AD-116
- adapter/AD-117
- adapter/AD-118
- adapter/AD-119~AD-123
- adapter/AD-124~AD-125
- adapter/AD-126~AD-128
- adapter/AD-129~AD-131
- adapter/AD-132~AD-135
- adapter/AD-136~AD-139
- adapter/AD-140~AD-141
- adapters
- beakers(비이커)
- boat(보트)
- bottles(보틀)
- valves(벨브)
- screw valve
- valve(fsc-01~fsc-03)
- valve(fsc-04~fsc-06)
- valve(fsc-07~fsc-09)
- valve(fsc-10~fsc-12)
- valve(fsc-13~fsc-18)
- valve(fsc-19~fsc-21)
- valve(fsc-22~fsc-24)
- valve(ftc-25~ftc-26)
- valve(msc-27~msc-28)
- valve(msc-29~msc-31)
- valve(jyc-32~jyc-35)
- valve(ttc-36~rec-38)
- valve(nps-39~tbv-40)
- valve(tc-41~tc-42)
- valve(uni-39~uni-43)
- valve(cow-36~msc-42)
- screw valve
- impingers(임핀저)
- impinger
- impinger/imp-01~imp-06
- impinger/imp-07~imp-12
- impinger/imp-13~imp-14
- impinger/imp-15~imp-16
- impinger/imp-17~imp-18
- impinger/imp-19~imp-20
- impinger/imp-21~imp-22
- impinger/imp-23~imp-24
- impinger/imp-25~imp-29
- impinger/imp-30~imp-36
- impinger/imp-37~imp-38
- impinger/imp-39~imp-40
- impinger/imp-41~imp-42
- impinger/imp-43
- impinger
- columns(컬럼)
- column
- column(col-01~col-04)
- column(col-05~col-08)
- column(col-09~col-10)
- column(col-11~col-12)
- column(col-13~col-14)
- column(col-15~col-16)
- column(col-17~col-18)
- column(col-19~col-20)
- column(col-21)
- column(col-22)
- column(col-23)
- column(col-24~col-25)
- column(col-26~col-27)
- column(col-28)
- column(col-29~col-30)
- column(col-31)
- column(col-32~col-35)
- column(col-36~col-37-1)
- column(col-38)
- column(col-39)
- column(col-40)
- column(col-41)
- column(col-42)
- column(col-43)
- column(col-44)
- column(col-45)
- column(col-46)
- column(col-47)
- column(col-48)
- column(col-49~col-52)
- column(col-53~col-56)
- column(col-57~col-59
- column(col-60~col-61)
- column(GRCTC~GRCTF)
- column(ORCTC~ORCTF)
- chromatographic column
- chromatographic column(chc-01)
- chromatographic column(chc-02)
- chromatographic column(chc-03~chc-04)
- chromatographic column(chc-05)
- chromatographic column(chc-06)
- chromatographic column(chc-07A~chc-07C)
- chromatographic column(chc-08)
- chromatographic column(chc-09)
- chromatographic column(chc-10A~chc-10E)
- chromatographic column(chc-10F)
- chromatographic column(chc-11)
- chromatographic column(chc-12)
- chromatographic column(chc-13)
- chromatographic column(chc-14)
- chromatographic column(chc-15)
- chromatographic column(chc-15-1)
- chromatographic column(chc-16)
- chromatographic column(chc-17)
- chromatographic column(chc-18)
- chromatographic column(chc-19)
- chromatographic column(chc-20)
- chromatographic column(chc-te)
- teflon union(uni-39~uni-43)
- column
- mani fold(진공라인-실링크라인)
- mani fold(screw cock)
- 1.mani fold(man-01a~man-02a)
- 2.mani fold(man-03a~man-04a)
- 3.mani fold(man-05a~man-06a)
- 4.mani fold(man-01a-1~man-01a-2)
- 5.mani fold(man-02a-1~man-03a-1)
- 6.mani fold(man-04a-1~man-05a-1)
- 13.mani fold(man-12~man-13)고급형
- 14.mani fold(man-01b~man-02b)고급형
- 15.mani fold(man-03b~man-04b)고급형
- 16.mani fold(man-05b~man-06b)고급형
- 17.mani fold(man-01b-1~man-01b-2)고급형
- 19.mani fold(man-02b-1~man-03b-1)고급형
- 20.mani fold(man-04b-1~man-05b-1)고급형
- 21.mani fold(man-06b-1)고급형
- 25.mani fold(mansc-01)고급형
- 27.mani fold(manhvc-01)고급형
- 18.mani fold(man-01b-3)고급형
- 22.mani fold(man-07b-1)고급형
- 23.mani fold(man-08b-1)고급형
- 26.mani fold(mansc-02~13)고급형
- mani fold(glass cock)
- mani fold(screw cock-rotaflo)
- mani fold(screw cock-j young)
- adapter related mani fold
- mani fold(teflon cock)
- mani fold(screw cock)
- moisture test apparatus(수분테스트기)
- sensors(센서)
- sublimations(서블리메이션)
- sublimation
- sublimation/sub-01~sub-03
- sublimation/sub-04~sub-05
- sublimation/sub-06~sub-06-1
- sublimation/sub-07~sub-09
- sublimation/sub-10~sub-12
- sublimation/sub-13~sub-14
- sublimation/sub-15~sub-17
- sublimation/sub-18~sub-20
- sublimation/sub-21~sub-23
- sublimation/sub-24~sub-26
- sublimation/sub-27~sub-29
- sublimation/sub-30~sub-32
- sublimation/sub-33~sub-34
- sublimation/sub-35~sub-36
- sublimation/sub-37
- sublimation
- condensers(콘덴서)
- graham condeser(나사관냉각기)
- liebig condenser(리비히냉각기)
- allihn condenser(구관냉각기)
- dimroth condenser(환류(리플럭스)냉각기)
- coil condenser(코일냉각기)
- jacket(double) condenser(이중냉각기)
- friedrich condenser(프리드리 냉각기)
- evaporator condenser(이베포레타콘덴서)
- condenser(중요콘덴서전체)
- condenser(기타콘덴서)
- air condenser(기체콘덴서) / con-14
- air condenser(기체콘덴서) / con-15
- dewar / dimroth friedrichs condenser(기타콘덴서) / con-25 / con-26 / con-27
- pilot condenser 외(파이로트외기타콘덴서) / con-32 / con-33 / con-34
- trap type condenser(트랩타입콘덴서) / con-35
- distillation condenser(증류수콘덴서) / con-36
- solvent condenser(솔벤트관련콘덴서) / con-37 / con-38
- syringes / 주사기 / 실린지
- teflon tube / silicon tube / tygon tube and glove(호수 / 글러브)
- teflon / stainless and acrylic(테프론 / 스텐인레스 / 아크릴가공품)
- vacuum trap(진공트랩)
- vacuum trap
- vacuum trap/tra-01A~tra-01B
- vacuum trap/tra-02~tra-03-1
- vacuum trap/tra-04~tra-06
- vacuum trap/tra-07~tra-09
- vacuum trap/tra-10~tra-12
- vacuum trap/tra-13~tra-15
- vacuum trap/tra-16~tra-19
- vacuum trap/tra-20~tra-22
- vacuum trap/tra-23
- vacuum trap/tra-24
- vacuum trap/tra-25~tra-26
- dewar flask(액체질소통)
- vacuum trap/tra-27~tra-28
- vacuum trap/tra-29~tra-30
- vacuum trap/tra-31~tra-32
- vacuum trap/tra-33~tra-35
- vacuum trap/tra-36~tra-38
- vacuum trap/tra-39~tra-41
- vacuum trap/tra-42~tra-43
- vacuum trap
- cylinders and(실린더)
- distillation apparatus(증류수장치)
- distillation apparatus
- apparatus related distillation/dis-01~dis-03-1
- apparatus related distillation/dis-04~dis-06
- apparatus related distillation/dis-07~dis-09
- apparatus related distillation//dis-10~dis-12
- apparatus related distillation/dis-13~dis-15
- apparatus related distillation/dis-16~dis-19
- apparatus related distillation/dis-20~dis-24
- apparatus related distillation/dis-25~dis-27
- apparatus related distillation/dis-28~dis-30
- apparatus related distillation/dis-31~dis-33
- apparatus related distillation/dis-34~dis-37
- apparatus related distillation/dis-38~dis-40
- apparatus related distillation/dis-41~dis-44
- distillation apparatus/dis-45~dis-48
- distillation apparatus/dis-49~dis-53
- distillation apparatus/dis-54~dis-56
- distillation apparatus/dis-57~dis-60
- distillation apparatus/dis-61~dis-62
- distillation apparatus/dis-63~dis-64
- apparatus distillation/dis-65~dis-67
- apparatus distillation/dis-68~dis-69
- apparatus distillation/dis-70~dis-71
- apparatus distillation/dis-72~dis-73
- apparatus distillation/dis-74
- apparatus distillation/dis-75~76
- distillation apparatus
- pyrex tube and quartz tube(유리관 및 석영관)
- pyrex tube / pyrex plate
- quartz tube / plate / flask / boat / crucible
- quartz column and adapter/chc-14 / chc-15
- graded seal(quartz & pyrex)
- quartz chip carrier(boat)
- quartz circle plate
- quartz squar plate
- quartz boat(general type)
- quartz 1neck erlenmeyer flask
- quartz 1neck round flask
- quartz crucible
- quartz beaker
- quartz erlenmeyer flask
- quartz tube
- quartz rod
- quartz joint
- quartz all
- erlenmeyer flasks(삼각프라스크)
- pressure tube(압력병)
- extraction apparatus(추출장치)
- crystallizing dish / liner / jar(뒤쉬 / 라이너 / 쟈)
- filtering apparatus(여과장치)
- filtering apparatus
- filtering apparatus with joint/fil-01~fil-02
- filtering apparatus with rubber/fil-03~fil-04
- filtering apparatus-rubber(경제형)/fil-05~fil-06
- filtering apparatus-joint(경제형)/fil-07~fil-08
- filtering apparatus-rubber & joint(경제형)/fil-05~fil-08
- filtering apparatus with joint/fil-09~fil-09-m
- filtering apparatus with rubber/fil-10~fil-11
- filtering apparatus with joint/fil-12~fil-13
- filtering apparatus with rubber/fil-14~fil-15
- filtering apparatus with porcelain/filf-16
- filtering apparatus with porcelain/filf-17
- filtering flask/filf-18~file-21
- porcelain funnel(롯제)/filr-22
- filtering apparatus/fil-23~fil-26
- filtering apparatus/fil-27~fil-30
- filtering apparatus/fil-31~fil-32
- filtering apparatus/fil-33~fil-35
- filtering apparatus/fil-36~fil-37
- filtering apparatus/fil-38~fil-39
- filtering apparatus & gast pump/fil-09 / GASTVP
- filtering apparatus
- dutch cofee app.(더치커피장치)
- bubbler(버블러)
- test tube(시험관 / 분해관)
- bell jar(벨자)
- jar(수조 / 쟈)
- cleaner(nmr튜브 세척기)
- flasks(프라스크)
- funnels-separatory & dropping(펀넬)
- glass apparatus(그라스장치)
- glass appratus
- glass apparatus/APP-01~APP-04
- glass apparatus/APP-05~APP-08
- glass apparatus/APP-09~APP-12
- glass apparatus/APP-13~APP-14
- glass apparatus/APP-15~APP-16
- glass apparatus/APP-17~APP-18
- glass apparatus/APP-19~APP-20
- glass apparatus/APP-21~APP-23
- glass apparatus/APP-24~APP-26
- glass apparatus/APP-27~APP-29
- glass apparatus/APP-30~APP-31
- glass apparatus/APP-32~APP-35
- glass apparatus/APP-36~APP-37
- glass apparatus/APP-38~APP-39
- glass apparatus/APP-40
- glass apparatus/APP-41~APP-42
- glass apparatus/APP-43
- glass apparatus/APP-44~APP-46
- glass apparatus/APP-47~APP-48
- glass apparatus/APP-49~APP-50
- glass apparatus/APP-51~APP-52
- glass apparatus/APP-53
- glass apparatus/APP-54~55
- glass apparatus/APP-56~57
- glass apparatus/APP-58
- glass appratus
- gas apparatus(깨스장치)
- gas apparatus
- gas apparatus/gaa-01~gaa-04
- gas apparatus/gaa-05A~gaa-05D
- gas apparatus/gaa-06~gaa-07-1
- gas apparatus/gaa-07-2~gaa-08B
- gas apparatus/gaa-09
- gas apparatus/gaa-09-1
- gas apparatus/gaa-10
- gas apparatus/gaa-11
- gas apparatus/gaa-12
- gas apparatus/gaa-12-1
- gas apparatus/gaa-13~gaa-19
- gas apparatus/gaa-20~gaa-21
- teflon union/uni-39~uni-43
- gas apparatus
- gaswashing bottles(개스세척병)
- gaswashing bottle
- gaswashing bottle/gas-01~gas-03
- gaswashing bottle/gas-04~gas-04-1
- gaswashing bottle/gas-05~gas-07
- gaswashing bottle/gas-08~gas-10
- gaswashing bottle/gas-11
- gaswashing bottle/gas-12~gas-14
- gaswashing bottle/gas-15
- gaswashing bottle/gas-16
- gaswashing bottle/gas-17
- gaswashing bottle/gas-18
- gaswashing bottle/gas-19
- gaswashing bottle/gas-20
- gaswashing bottle/gas-21
- gaswashing bottle/gas-22
- gaswashing bottle/gas-23
- gaswashing bottle/gas-24
- gaswashing bottle/gas-25
- gaswashing bottle/gas-26
- gaswashing bottle/gas-27~gas-27-2
- gaswashing bottle/gas-28~gas-28-2
- gaswashing bottle/gas-29~gas-29-2
- gaswashing bottle/gas-30~gas-30-2
- gaswashing bottle/gas-31~gas-32
- gaswashing bottle/gas-33~gas-34
- gaswashing bottle/gas-35~gas-36
- gaswashing bottle/gas-37~gas-38
- gaswashing bottle/gas-39~gas-41
- gaswashing bottle/gas-42~gas-45
- teflon union/uni-39~uni-43
- gaswashing bottle
- adapters(아탑터)
- reactor sets
- o-ring type 1~6neck reactor Sets(1~6구 오링형 반응조세트)
- 오링형프라스크반응조
- 오링형콕크부프라스크반응조
- 오링형보틀반응조(여과병)
- 오링형보틀반응조(시약병)
- 오링형콕크부보틀반응조(시약병)
- 오링형비이커식평저반응조
- 오링형비이커식환저반응조
- 오링형콕크부비이커환저반응조
- 오링형이중반응조(평저.환저)
- 오링형콕크부이중반응조
- 오링형비커식베플반응조
- 오링형콕크부비커식베플반응조
- 오링형평저베플이중반응조
- 오링형환저베플이중반응조
- 오링형콕크부베플이중반응조
- 오링형콕크.필터부이중반응조
- 오링형프라스크베플반응조
- 오링형콕크부보틀반응조(여과병)
- 오링형후렌지연결식비이커반응조세트
- 오링형테프론베플비이커반응조
- 오링형테프론베플이중반응조
- 오링형테프론베플콕크부이중반응조
- 오링형테프론비이커반응조
- 오링형테프론어뎁터커버비이커반응조
- pilot reactor sets(대용량파이롯트시스템참조)
- (경제형)pilot beaker reactor with Valve10L.20L
- (경제형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle10L.20L
- (경제형)pilot beaker reactor with valve 25L.30L.50L
- (경제형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle25L.30L.50L
- (경제형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve10L
- (경제형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve15L.20L
- (중급형)pilot beaker reactor with Valve10L.20L
- (중급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle10L.20L
- (중급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve 25L.30L.50L
- (중급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle25L.30L.50L
- (중급형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve10L
- (중급형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve15L.20L
- (고급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve 20L.25L
- (고급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle 20L.25L
- (고급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve 30L.50L
- (고급형)pilot beaker reactor with valve & mantle 30L.50L
- (고급형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve15L.20L
- (고급형)pilot jacketed reactor with valve25L.30L.50L
- small reactor sets(스몰리액터세트)
- general type 1~6neck reactor Sets(1~6구 일반형 반응조세트)
- 일반형프라스크반응조
- 일반형프라스크베플반응조
- 일반형콕크부프라스크반응조
- 일반형콕크부프라스크베플반응조
- 일반형보틀반응조(시약병)
- 일반형보틀반응조(여과병)
- 일반형비이커평저반응조
- 일반형비이커평저베플반응조
- 일반형비이커환저반응조
- 일반형비이커환저베플반응조
- 일반형콕크부비이커환저반응조
- 일반형콕크부비이커환저베플반응조
- 일반형후렌지연결식비이커반응조세트
- 일반형평저이중반응조
- 일반형평저베플이중반응조
- 일반형환저이중반응조
- 일반형환저베플이중반응조
- 일반형콕크부이중반응조
- 일반형콕크부베플이중반응조
- 일반형콕크부.필터이중반응조
- 일반형테프론베플비이커반응조
- 일반형테프론베플이중반응조
- 일반형테프론베플콕크부이중반응조
- o-ring type 1~6neck reactor Sets(1~6구 오링형 반응조세트)
- general type reactor
- o-ring type reactor
- single type reactor
- fiterring reactor
- vacuum and pressure reactor sets
- jar / flange tube / glainding tube / tank
- small pilot plant system
- small pilot plant vacuum & pressure system
- general reactor system
- frame reactor system
- vacuum and pressure reactor system
- frame(multi) reactor system
- filtering reactor system
- PH / ORP reactor
- uv reactor system
- small reactor system
- nitrogen purge reactor system
- vacuum line system
- mantle / hot plate stirrer & overhead stirrer
- mantle
- flask type-heating mantle with controller
- flask type-heating mantle with stirring
- flask type-heating matle without controller
- beaker type-heating mantle with controller
- heating mantle for pilot plant
- mantle for extraction apparatus
- heating mantles for extraction apparatus
- heating mantles for extraction apparatus(outside controller)
- digital heating mantles for extraction apparatus
- heating mantles for extraction apparatus with stirring
- digital heating mantles for extraction apparatus with stirring
- digital heating mantles for extraction apparatus with digital stirring
- mantle(all)
- overhead stirrer(pl / ms / ika)
- heating tape
- temperature controller
- hot plate / magnetic stirrer / hot plat stirrer
- magnetic stirrer with heating
- magnetic stirrer without heating
- digital magnetic stirrer without heating
- hot plate
- hot plate(large)
- magnetic stirrer with digital heating
- digital magnetic stirrer with digital heating
- digital hot plate
- digital hot plate(large)
- multi-position magnetic stirrer with digital heating
- multi-position digital magnetic stirrer with digital heating
- multi-position magnetic stirrer with heating
- magnetic stirrer
- muti-position magnetic stirrer without heating
- muti-position digital magnetic stirrer without heating
- powerful magnetic stirrer without heating
- magnetic stirrer for cell culture(low speed)
- hot plate / magnetic stirrer / hot plat stirrer(all)
- dry block heater
- jar tester(flocculator)
- mantle
- impellar and seal
- clamp / stand / support jack
- vacuum pump
- Uncategorized
최신 글
- Slot Gacor Terpercaya & Link Situs Slot Maxwin Terbaru
- O-Ring Style, Bottle Reaction, Cylindrical, with Glass Filter and Teflon Cock
- O-ring Style, Beaker Filtering Reactor with Cock(오링형 분리식필터링 비커식반응조하부)
- O-ring Style, Beaker Filtering Reactor with Teflon Valve(오링형 필터링비이커식반응조하부)
- O-Ring Style, Beaker Reactor with Filtering Cap & Cock(오링형 콕크부필터링비이커반응조하부)