307–324/1598개 결과 표시
Bottle, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter, gas-48, gas-49, gas-50, gas-51, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Bubbler System, Bubbler, Bubbler without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Bubbler with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, bu-59, bu-60, bu-59-(gas-46-), bu-60-(gas-47-), 버블러, 버블러시스템, 께스와싱보틀시스템, 깨스와싱보틀, 께스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, gas-46, gas-47, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Reactor System(Multi Frame), Stirrer Guider, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock and Frame Sets, Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock and Frame Sets, mreas-16, mreas-17, mreas-18, 멀티프레임장치, 멀티합성장치, 멀티리엑터시스템, 멀티프레임합성장치, 멀티프레임반응조장치, 멀티반응조장치, 멀티콕크부비이커반응조장치, 멀티이중반응조장치, 콕크부비이커반응조세트, 콕크부비이커반응조, 콕크부이중반응조세트, 콕크부이중반응조, 콕크부자켓반응조, 자켓반응조
Vacuum Reactor System(Multi Frame), Magnetic Drive, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock and Frame Sets, Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock and Frame Sets, mreas-13, mreas-14, mreas-15, 진공용멀티프레임장치, 진공용멀티합성장치, 멀티프레임장치, 멀티합성장치, 멀티리엑터시스템, 멀티프레임합성장치, 멀티프레임반응조장치, 멀티반응조장치, 멀티콕크부비이커반응조장치, 멀티이중반응조장치, 콕크부비이커반응조세트, 콕크부비이커반응조, 콕크부이중반응조세트, 콕크부이중반응조, 콕크부자켓반응조, 자켓반응조
UV Reactor, Poto Reactor, Jacketed Reactor and Digital Overhead Stirrer Sets, uvr-35, 광반응기, UV리엑터, 포토리엑터, 포토리액터, 유브이반응기, 유브이리엑터, 유브이이중반응조, 유브이자켓리엑터, 이중반응조세트, 이중반응조, 자켓반응조, 이중자켓
Bead, Distillation Apparatus, Glass Bead, Glass Bead for Distillation Column, Quartz Bead, Quartz Bead for Distillation Column, Quartz Tubing, beadg-01, beadq-01, 비드, 유리비드, 유리구슬, 그라스비드, 석영비드, 쿼츠비드, 석영튜비드
C05-06, C05-238, C05-05, C05-480, 208, 209, 210, 211, Centrifuge, High Speed Micro Centrifuge, High Speed Mini Centrifuge, Micro Centrifuge, Microplate Centrifuge, Micro Plate Centrifuge, 원심분리기, 원심 분리기, 고속 마이크로 원심분리기, 마이크로 원심분리기, 마이크로 원심분리기, 고속 미니 원심분리기, 미니 원심분리기, 소형 원심분리기, 마이크로플레이트 원심분리기, 마이크로 플레이트 원심분리기
16,500원~2,285,800원 -
Dewar Flask, Dewar Bottle, Dewar Flask Cold Trap set, KG-1, KG-2, 드와 플라스크, 드와보틀
Distillation, Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Head, Distillation Head A Type, Distillation Head B Type, Distillation Head C Type, Distillation Head, Distilling Head, dis-31, dis-32, dis-32-1, dis-33, 증류장치, 증류헤드. 증류용해드, 증류해드, 증류헤드, 디스틸레이션헤드, 증류해드, 디스틸링해드, 디스틸레이션해드, 디스틸링헤드
649,000원~695,200원 -
Acrylic Supporter(bubber), Acrylic Supporter(flow meter), Acrylic Supporter(separatory funnel), UV Lamp Cover, acsb-01, acsb-02, acsb-03, acsb-04, 아크릴가공품
Autoclave Bottle, Pressure Bottle, Stainless and Teflon, sat-03, 오토크레이브보틀, 오토크레이브반응기, 오토크레이브반응조, 수혈반응기
P.A.S Sampler, PAS Sampler, Stainless, sat-02, 셈플러, pas셈플러, 피에에스셈플러,스테인레스셈플러
UV Reactor, Poto Reactor, Stainless and Acrylic, sat-01, 유브이리엑터, 포토리액터, 유브이리액터, 포토리엑터
Tray, Teflon Wafer Tray, Chip Tray, Single Chip Tray, Double Chip Tray, Coating Carrier, Coaing Tray, Slide Glass Tray, Cover Glass Tray, twt-01, twt-02, twt-03, twt-04, 칩트레이, 트레이, 테프론웨이퍼트레이, 웨이퍼트레이, 싱글웨이퍼트레이, 더블웨이퍼트레이, 슬라이드그라스트레이, 커버글라스트레이, 트레이, 칩케리어, 케리어, 코팅케리어
Teflon cap, Teflon Cover, tef-06, tef-07, tef-08, tef-09, tef-10, 테프론캡, 테프론캡커버, 테프론뚜껑, 테프론스토퍼
Teflon cap, Teflon Stopper, tef-01, tef-02, tef-03, tef-04, tef-05, 테프론캡, 테프론마개, 테프론스토퍼
UV Reactor, Poto Reactor, UV Reactor, UV Reactor and Stirrer Sets , Stainless and Acrylic, uvr-34, 광반응기, UV리엑터, 포토리엑터, 스텐인레스광반응기, 스텐인레스유브이리엑터, 스텐인레스유브이반응기, 유브이반응기, 유브이리엑터