1–18/51개 결과 표시
Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, Oil Bubbler with Glass Cock or Teflon Cock, Oil Bubbler and Test Tube, bu-79, bu-79-1, bu-80, bu-80-1, 버블러, 오일버블러
W02-78, 1288, Purification, Water Purification, RO & UP Water Purification System, 물 정화, 순수 제조 장치, 초순수 제조 장치, 순수제조장치, 초순수제조장치, 순수제조장치필터
3,520원~833,800원 -
W02-80, W02-78, 1287, Purification, Water Purification, Economy Water Still, Feed Water Pretreatment System, 물 정화, 1차 증류수 제조기, 공급수 전처리 시스템, 증류수제조장치
3,520원~1,457,940원 -
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle Adapter, Cover for Gas Washing Bottle, Adapter for Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler, Bubbler Adapter, Cover for Bubbler, Adapter for Bubbler, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, gas-61, 깨스세척병어뎁터, 깨스세척병커버, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 깨스세척튜브, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척병어뎁터, 까스세척병커버, 버블러, 버블러어뎁터, 버블러커버
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle with Self-Stand and Teflon Cock, with Filter Disc, Self-Stand and Teflon Cock, gas-59, gas-59A, gas-59B, gas-60, gas-60A, gas-60B, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 깨스세척튜브, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병
Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler, Impinger, Vacuum Trap, Gas Washing Bottle and Adapter, Bubbler and Adapter, Impinger and Adapter or Vacuum Trap and Adapter, bu-78, bu-78A, bu-78B, bu-78C, bu-78D, 버블러, 인핀저, 까스와싱보틀, 깨스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 인핀져, 임핀저, 임핀져, 트랩, 베큠트랩, 진공트랩, 버큠트랩
Bubbler, Bubbler Sets, Gas Washing with GL45 Screwcap, GL14 Connector and without Glass Filter, with GL45 Screwcap, Glass Nipple Connector and with Glass Filter, Bubbler, Gas Washing with GL45 Screwcap, GL14 Connector and with Glass Filter, Gas Washing Bottle, without Glass Filter or with Glass Filter, Gas Washing Bottle with Teflon Cock, bu-69, bu-69-1, bu-69-2, bu-69-3, bu-70, bu-70-1, bu-70-2, bu-70-3, bu-71, bu-71-A, bu-71-B, bu-71-C, bu-71-D, bu-71, bu-72-A, bu-72-B, bu-72-C, bu-72-D, 버블러, 까스와싱보틀, 깨스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
T12-34, W01-697, 1272, 1273, Tray, Chip Tray, 4 inch Chip Tray, 2 inch Chip Tray, Chip Tray, Gel Sticky Tray, Sticky Tray, Tray, 칩트레이, 칩 트레이, 4인치 칩 트레이, 칩 트레이, 4인치 칩트레이, 4인치 칩 트레이, 4인치칩트레이, 2인치 칩 트레이, 2인치 칩트레이, 2인치 칩 트레이, 2인치칩트레이, 젤 스티키 트레이, 스티키 트레이, 스티키트레이, 트레이
1,870원~2,347,070원 -
Bubbler, Gaswashing Bottle, Impinger, without graduated and without Glass Filter, with graduated and without Glass Filter, without graduated and with Glass Filter, with graduated and with Glass Filter, GL14 Connector, 3ea/1Set or 6ea/1Set, bu-73, bu-73-1, bu-73-2, bu-73-3, 버블러, 까스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 임핀저
Bottle, Bottle GL25, GL32, GL45(OD45*ID32), With Screwcap(Without Syringe), Gas Washing with Screwcap, Gas Washing with Screwcap and Glass Filter, bot-08, bot-09, bot-10, 보틀, 깨스워싱보틀, 개스워싱보틀, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 버블러, 깨스분산병, 깨스분산보틀, 캡병과 셉터
Gas Washing Apparatus, Cooling Tube with GL Connector, gas-58, 쿨링튜브, 깨스세척튜브 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 임핀져
Gas Washing Bottle, Reactor Type, Bubbler with Glass Filter and Hose Nipple Flat Bottom or Round Bottom, Bubbler with Glass Filter and GL Connector, Bubbler without Glass Filter and Union Connector, gas-52, gas-53, gas-54, gas-55, gas-56, gas-57, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Bottle, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter, gas-48, gas-49, gas-50, gas-51, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Bubbler System, Bubbler, Bubbler without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Bubbler with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, bu-59, bu-60, bu-59-(gas-46-), bu-60-(gas-47-), 버블러, 버블러시스템, 께스와싱보틀시스템, 깨스와싱보틀, 께스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, gas-46, gas-47, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Tray, Teflon Wafer Tray, Chip Tray, Single Chip Tray, Double Chip Tray, Coating Carrier, Coaing Tray, Slide Glass Tray, Cover Glass Tray, twt-01, twt-02, twt-03, twt-04, 칩트레이, 트레이, 테프론웨이퍼트레이, 웨이퍼트레이, 싱글웨이퍼트레이, 더블웨이퍼트레이, 슬라이드그라스트레이, 커버글라스트레이, 트레이, 칩케리어, 케리어, 코팅케리어
W07-78, 1285, Washer, Glassware Washer/110L, Glassware Washer/146L, Glassware Washer with Drying System, Glassware Washer with Drying System & Detergent Compartment, 세척기, 초자 세척기/110L, 초자 세척기/146L
W07-59, W07-46, 1284, Washer, Pipet Washer, Buret Washer, Economy Pipet Washer, 세척기, 피펫 세척기, 뷰렛 세척기, 경제형 피펫 세척기