37–54/251개 결과 표시
Impinger, Midget, with graduated and Glass Filter(3ea/1set), Midget, with graduated and Glass Filter(6ea/1set), with graduated and without Glass Filter(3ea/1set), with graduated and without Glass Filter(6ea/1set), with graduated and with Glass Filter(3ea/1set), ith graduated and with Glass Filter(6ea/1set), imp-52, imp-52-1, imp-52-2, imp-52-3, imp-53, imp-53-1, imp-53-2, imp-53-3, imp-54, imp-54-1, imp-54-2, imp-54-3, imp-55, imp-55-1, imp-55-2, imp-55-3, 임핀져, 임핀저, 인핀저, 인핀져
B08-59, J01-64, B08-64, B04-1995, J01-460, 149, 150, Bottle, Teflon Bottle, Teflon Jar, Thick walled Sample Bottle Jar, PFA Vessel, PFA Jar, Teflon Jar, PFA Conical Round Bottom Bottle, High Purity Teflon Sample Jar, PFA Sample Bottle Jar, PFA Jar with Ground Joint, PFA Jar with Tubing Port, 병, 보틀, 바틀, 테프론 병, 테프론 쟈, 테프론 용기, 테프론 보틀, 테프론 바틀, 테프론병, 테프론보틀, 테프론바틀, 테프론 베쎌, 안전 샘플 병 용기, PFA 용기, PFA 테프론 쟈, PFA 테프론 코니칼 라운드 바틈 병, 고순도 테프론 샘플 쟈, PFA 테프론 샘플 병 용기, PFA 테르론 쟈 상부 죠인트 ST29/32, PFA 테르론 쟈 튜빙 연결 피팅, 테프론용기
4,950원~2,056,340원 -
B05-64, B05-460, B05-450, 102, Beaker, PFA Beaker, PTFE Beaker, Teflon Beaker, PTFE Beaker with Carbon Base, 비이커, 비커, 테프론 비이커, 테프론 비커, PFA 테프론 반투명비이커, PTFE 테프론 비이커, 카본바닥 PTFE 비이커, 카본바닥 비이커, 카본 비이커, 테프론비이커, 테프론비커
15,400원~576,620원 -
B01-259, 41, Bag, Gas Sampling Bag, Aluminum Gas Sampling Bag, 백, 샘플링 백, 테드라샘플링백, 테드라 샘플링 백, 가스 샘플링 백, 테드라 가스 샘플링 백, 알루미늄 폴리에스테르 가스 샘플링 백
20,900원~109,560원 -
B08-64, B08-59, B08-695, B08-450, J01-450, J01-64, 147, 148, Bottle, Teflon Bottle, PFA Bottle, PTFE Bottle, CTFE Bottle, PFA Wide Mouth Bottle with Inner Cap, PFA Wide Mouth Bottle, PFA Bottle, Teflon Jar, PTFE Wide Mouth Bottle, PFA Narrow Mouth Bottle with Inner Cap, Economy PFA Narrow Mouth Bottle, PTFE Jar, CTFE Sample Bottle, 병, 테프론 병, 테프론 보틀, 테프론 쟈, 테프론 바틀, 테프론병, 테프론보틀, 테프론바틀, PFA 테프론 광구병, PFA 테프론 바틀, PTFE 테프론 광구병, PFA 테프론 세구병, 경제형 PFA 테프론 세구병, PTFE 테프론 쟈, CTFE 테프론 샘플 병, 테프론 쟈, 쟈
6,270원~1,762,530원 -
B04-01, B04-91, C20-184, B04-02, T23-140, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, Bath, Water Bath, Circulator, Circulater, Chiller, Oil Bath Circulating Water Bath, Circulating Oil Bath, Low Temp Circulating Water Bath -20, Low Temp Circulating Water Bath -40, Recircul,ating Chiller, Circulator, 수조, 베스, 배스, 워터베스, 오일베스 워터배스, 오일배스, 칠러, 항온 수조, 항온수조, 순환식 정밀 항온 수조, 순환식 정밀 오일 베스, 순환식 저온 항온 수조, 워터 베스, 오일 베스, 워터 배스, 오일 배스, 순환식 칠러, 써큘레이터, 칠러, 서큘레이터
25,960원~3,680,490원 -
Bubbler, Gaswashing Bottle, Impinger, without graduated and without Glass Filter, with graduated and without Glass Filter, without graduated and with Glass Filter, with graduated and with Glass Filter, GL14 Connector, 3ea/1Set or 6ea/1Set, bu-73, bu-73-1, bu-73-2, bu-73-3, 버블러, 까스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 임핀저
Impiger, without graduated and without Glass Filter, with graduated and without Glass Filter, without graduated and with Glass Filter, with graduated and with Glass Filter, GL14 Connector, 3ea/1Set or 6ea/1Set, imp-58, imp-58-1, imp-58-2, imp-58-3, 임핀져, 임핀저, 인핀저, 인핀져
Impinger, Midget, Self Stand, with graduated and Glass Filter(3ea/1set), Midget, with graduated and Glass Filter(6ea/1set), Self Stand, with graduated and without Glass Filter(3ea/1set), with graduated and without Glass Filter(6ea/1set), with graduated and with Glass Filter(3ea/1set), ith graduated and with Glass Filter(6ea/1set), imp-56, imp-56-1, imp-56-2, imp-56-3, imp-57, imp-57-1, imp-57-2, imp-57-3, 임핀져, 셀프스텐드임핀져, 임핀저, 인핀저, 인핀져
Trap, Vacuum Trap, Reactor Type Vacuum Trap, with Glass Hose Nipple or GL Screw Connector, tra-49, tra-50, 반응조식진공트랩, 반응조식트랩, 분리형진공트랩, 분리형트랩, 트랩, 진공트랩, 버블러, 임핀져, 임핀저
Bottle, Bottle GL25, GL32, GL45(OD45*ID32), With Screwcap(Without Syringe), Gas Washing with Screwcap, Gas Washing with Screwcap and Glass Filter, bot-08, bot-09, bot-10, 보틀, 깨스워싱보틀, 개스워싱보틀, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 버블러, 깨스분산병, 깨스분산보틀, 캡병과 셉터
O-ring Style, Filterinng Flask Reactor, Bottle Reactor, Flat Bottle Reactor or Round Bottle Reactor, LG-BDOFF, BDOFF, LG-BDOFBB, BDOFBB, LG-BDOFBBR, BDOFBBR, LG-BDOFT, BDOFT, 오링형보틀반응조, 보틀반응조, 오링형여과병반응조, 오링형시약병반응조, 오링형보틀반응조하부, 보틀반응조하부, 오링형여과병반응조하부, 오링형시약병반응조하부, 여과병반응조, 필터링보틀반응조, 시약병반응조, 여과병반응조하부, 시약병반응조하부
General Style, Filterinng Flask Reactor, Bottle Reactor, Flat Bottom or Round Bottom, LG-BDRFF-L, LG-BDRFBB-L, LG-BDRFBBR-L, LG-BDRFT-L, LG-BDRFF, LG-BDRFBB, LG-BDRFT, BDRFBB-L, BDRFF, BDRFBB, BDRFBBR, BDRFT, 일반형보틀반응조, 보틀반응조, 일반형여과병반응조, 일반형시약병반응조, 일반형보틀반응조하부, 보틀반응조하부, 일반형여과병반응조하부, 일반형시약병반응조하부, 여과병반응조, 필터링보틀반응조, 시약병반응조, 여과병반응조하부, 시약병반응조하부
Gas Washing Apparatus, Cooling Tube with GL Connector, gas-58, 쿨링튜브, 깨스세척튜브 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 임핀져
Impinger, without graduated, with GL Open Cap and Septa, 3ea/1Set or 6ea/Set, with GL Connector, with Glass Nipple, with Glass Filter, with Glass Filter, imp-46, imp-47, imp-48, imp-49, imp-50, imp-51, 임핀져, 임핀저, 인핀저, 인핀져
Gas Washing Bottle, Reactor Type, Bubbler with Glass Filter and Hose Nipple Flat Bottom or Round Bottom, Bubbler with Glass Filter and GL Connector, Bubbler without Glass Filter and Union Connector, gas-52, gas-53, gas-54, gas-55, gas-56, gas-57, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Shielk Tube, Pressure Tube, Seal TubeTrap, with Teflon Cock or Glass COCK, tra-51, tra-52, tra-51 TYPE A, tra-52 TYPE A, tra-51 TYPE B, tra-52 TYPE B, 쉬링크튜브, 트랩, 프레셔튜브, 압력병, 실튜브, 씰튜브
Bubbler, Reactor Type Bubbler, Bubbler with Glass Filter and Hose Nipple, Round Bottom or Flat Bottom, Bubbler without Glass Filter and Hose Nipple, Type A, Type B , bu-63, bu-64, bu-65, bu-66, bu-67, bu-68, 버블러, 리엑터타입버블러, 반응조타입버블러