55–72/208개 결과 표시
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Beaker Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, Distillation Bottle Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, Distillation Flask Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, dis-121, dis-122, dis-123, 증류탑장치, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Flask Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation 1~6Neck Round Flask with Column Sets, dis-115, dis-116, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Jacketed Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation Beaker Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation Bottle Reactor with Column Sets, dis-112, dis-113, dis-114, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock andColumn Sets, Distillation Jacketed Reactor with Column Sets, Distilling Apparatus, dis-107, dis-108, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distilling Reactor, Distillation Reactor, Distilling Column, Distilling Condenser, Distillation Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock and Column Sets, Quartz Bead, Quartz Bead for Distillation Column, dis-106, beadq-01, beadq-0104, beadq-0108, 증류장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 석영비드, 칼람증류헤드, 증류해드, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치
Distillation Apparatus, Small Pilot Plant Reactor, Jacketed Reactor with Drain Valve, Beaker Reactor with Drain Valve, Bottle Reactor with Drain Valve, Flask Reactor with Drain Valve, Frame Sets, Distillation Column, Distilling Column, dis-117, dis-118, dis-119, dis-120, 디스틸레이션장치와프레임, 디스틸링장치와프레임, 증류장치와프레임, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼, 디스틸링콘덴서
Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Column with Vigrux and Joint, Hempel Type, Hempel , Distillation Column with Perforated Plate and Joint, Distillation Jacketed Column with Vigrux and Joint , Distillation Jacketed Column with Perforated Plate and Joint, dis-96, dis-97, dis-98, dis-99, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 증류헤드, 증류장치, 증류해드, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치
Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Column and Distillation Condenser, Distilling Column, Distilling Condenser, Distillation Condenser with Flange, Distillation Column S Type Flange, Distillation Condenser with Flange, Distillation Condenser with Joint, dis-90, dis-91, dis-92, dis-93, dis-94, dis-95, 증류컬럼, 증류콘덴서, 증류칼람, 증류헤드, 증류장치, 증류해드, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치
Chromatographic Column, Column, Jacketed and Single Column, Chromatographic Column, Jacketed Column, Type A, Type B, Type C ,Type D, Type E, Type F, CHOJALAB, Stand, Clamp Holder and 3P Clamp for Chromatographic Column, chc-36, chc-37, chc-38, chc-39, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 자켓컬럼, 이중칼럼, 싱글칼럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Flask, Flask Related Slade Glass,Cleaner, Round Bottom Flask with Glass Cock and Septa Inlet, Round Bottom Flask with Arm, fla-22, fla-23, fla-24, 스라이드그라스세척기, 크리너, 세척기, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크, 라운드프라스크, 프라스크, 프라스크
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column without Viton Tubing, with Viton Tubing, Acetal, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB, chc-33, chc-34, chc-35, chc-96412-13, chc-96412-14, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column without Viton Tubing, with Viton Tubing Set, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB , CHOJALAB, chc-27, chc-28, chc-29, chc-96412-13, chc-96412-14, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
566,500원~798,600원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Silicon Tubing and GL14 Syring Septa, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB, chc-25, chc-26, chc-acc, chc-si-06, chc-si-08, chc-si-10, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
33,000원~623,700원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with GL14 Syringe Septa, Teflon Tubing and Viton Tubing, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB, chc-23, chc-24, chc-acc, chc-tt-81, chc-tt-41, chc-tt-83, chc-96412-13, chc-96412-14, chc-acc, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Teflon Tubing and Viton Tubing Set, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB, chc-21, chc-22, chc-acc, chc-tt-81, chc-tt-41, chc-tt-83, chc-96412-13, chc-96412-14, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
38,500원~519,200원 -
Distillation, Hempel Distillation Column, Hempel Distillation Jacketed Column, Snyder Distillation Column, Hempel Distillation Column with Glass Disc, Distillation Head, dis-41, dis-41-1, dis-41-2, dis-42, dis-43, 디스틸레이션컬럼, 햄펠디스틸레이션컬럼, 스나이더디스틸레이션컬럼, 디스틸링컬럼, 햄펠디스틸링컬럼, 스나이더디스틸링컬럼, 디스틸링컬럼, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람
74,030원~209,550원 -
Condenser, Distillaton Condenser, Condenser for Distillation, Evaporatory Type, con-42, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Solvent Condenser, Condenser for Solvent, 솔벤트장치용 콘덴서, con-37, con-38, con-39, con-39-1, con-39-2, 솔벤트장치용콘덴서, 콘덴서, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트장치콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 냉각기, 솔벤트장치냉각기, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 솔벤트용냉각기, 솔벤트냉각기