1–18/1597개 결과 표시
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column, Jacketed Column, Jacketed with Filter Disc and without Filter Disc, Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type E, Type F, chc-20, 자켓컬럼, 자켓칼럼, 스크류크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 싱글크로마토그래피컬럼, 싱글타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 이중크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, Column, Jacketed with Joint 14/23 and GL Connecter or Glass Nipple, chc42, 컬럼, 칼람, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 자켓컬럼, 자켓칼람, 크로마토래피자켓컬럼, 크로마토래피자켓칼람
O-ring Style, Flat Bottom Vacuum Beaker Reactor Sets, Flat Bottom Vacuum Jacketed Reactor Sets, LG-BDOFVNC, LG-DEFOVNC, BDOFVNC, DEFOVNC, LG-BDOFVNC-L, LG-DEFOVNC-L, BDOFVNC-L, DEFOVNC-L, 진공반응조, 진공이중반응조, 진공자켓반응조, 오링형 진공반응조, 오링형 비이커식 진공반응조, 오링형 진공이중반응조, 오링형 비이커 진공반응조, 오링형 비이커식 진공반응조, 오링형 자켓 진공반응조, 오링형 자켓 진공반응조, 오링형 진공이중반응조, 오링형 진공이중반응조
Quartz, Quartz Jacketed Beaker, qjb-01, 석영이중비이커, 석영 이중비이커, 석영 이중 비이커, 석영 이중 비커, 쿼츠이중비이커, 쿼츠 이중비이커, 쿼츠 이중 비이커, 쿼츠 이중 비커
Gas Apparatus, Cyclone, Cyclone without Glass Filter or with Glass Filter, Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, gaa-22, 싸이클론, 싸이크론, 사이클론, 사이크론
Bubbler, Bubbler with Glass Filter, Single Type Bubbler or Single Type Bubbler with Screwcock, Bubbler with Glass Filter, Jacket Type Bubbler or Jacket Type Bubbler with Screwcock, bu-81, bu-82, 버블러, 보틀타입버블러, 싱글타입 버블러, 자켓타입버블러, 이중버블러, 보틀타입 버블러, 싱글타입 버블러, 자켓타입 버블러, 이중 버블러
19,800원~173,800원 -
Bottle, 1Neck or 2Neck Single Type Bottle Reactor with Male Joint and Female Joint, Flask, 1Neck Erlenmeyer Flask Type Reactor with Male Joint and Female Joint, bot-51, bot-52, 보틀, 보틀반응조, 보틀반응기, 플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 삼각플라스크, 삼각플라스크, 삼각플라스크반응조, 삼각플라스크반응기
Apparatus, A.G.K Type Co2 Determination Apparatus, Co2 Determination Apparatus, APP-40, CO2측정장치, 이산화탄소측정장치, 그라스장치, 유리실험기구장치, 장치
Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, Oil Bubbler with Glass Cock or Teflon Cock, Oil Bubbler and Test Tube, bu-79, bu-79-1, bu-80, bu-80-1, 버블러, 오일버블러
Adapter, GL adapter, GL, GL Connector, Adapter Related GL, Adapter with Male Screw Cock, Vacuum Valve, Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type E, GL14, GL18, GL25, GL32, GL45, GL80, GLS80, ad-169, ad-170, ad-171, 어뎁터, 진공어뎁터, 다용도 어뎁터, 베큠어뎁터, 지엘어뎁터, GL어뎁터, GL커넥터, 지엘 어뎁터, GL 어뎁터, GL 커넥터, GL관련어뎁터, GL 관련 어뎁터
Union, Teflon Union, PTFE Straight Teflon Uniom, PTFE Reducing Teflon Uniom, PTFE T Type Teflon Union, PTFE Elbow Teflon Union, PTFE Teflon Union, PTFE Teflon Valve Union, Union Valve, Teflon Connector, Teflon Fitting, Male Union, Female Union, PTFE Teflon Connector, Swagelok, SU, SRU, SUT, SNV, SFC, SME, SMC, 유니온, 테프론 유니온, PTFE 유니온, 테프론 유니온 벨브, 테프론 유니온 커넥터, 커넥터, PTFE 테프론 유니온, 유니온 벨브, 테프론 스탑콕크, 테프론 벨브, 스와질럭, 스와질락
248,600원~446,600원 -
Distillation Apparatus, Column, Distilling Column, Distillation Column, No Silver Coating, Jacketed Distillation Column, Perforated Plate, No Silver Coating, Single Distillation Column, Perforated Plate, PYREX.국내제작, dis-100, dis-101,dis-102, dis-103, dis-104, dis-105, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 증류 컬럼, 증류 칼람, 증류장치, 증류해드, 디스틸레이션 컬럼, 디스스틸레이션 컬럼, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치
Distillation Apparatus, 1~5Neck Roun Flsk or Flask Reactor with Moisture Trap Reactor, Mantle and Overhead Stirrer Sets, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor with Moisture Trap Reacto, Mantle, HotPlate and Stirrer Sets, 1~5Neck Jacketed Reactoe with Moisture Trap Reactor, Hotplate and Stirrer Sets, dis-143, dis-144, dis-145, dis-131~dis-142, 디스틸레이션장치, 증류장치, 증류수장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼장치
Distillation Apparatus, 1~5Neck Jacketed Reactor, Condenser, Adapter and Receiver Sets, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor with Screwcock or Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock Sets, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor with Screwcock or Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock Sets, dis-140, dis-141, dis-142, 디스틸레이션장치, 증류장치, 증류수장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼장치
Distillation Apparatus, 1~5Neck Round Flask(TYPE A), Condenser, Adapter and Receiver Sets, 1~5Neck Round Flask(TYPE A), Condenser, Adapter and Receiver Sets, dis-138, dis-139, 디스틸레이션장치, 증류장치, 증류수장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼장치
Distillation Apparatus, 1~6Neck Bottle Reactor, Digital Mantle and Digital Overhead Stirrer, 1~6Neck Beaker Reactor or 1~6Neck Beaker Reactor with Side Screwcock and Stirrer, 1~6Neck Beaker Reactor, 1~6Neck Jacketed Reactor, Digital Mantle or Digital Stirrer, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, Digital Mantle or Digital Stirrer, 1~6Neck Jacketed Reactor without Stirrer or with Stirrer, dis-133, dis-133A, dis-133B, dis-133C, dis-133D, dis-134, dis-134A, dis-134B, dis-134C, dis-134D, dis-135, dis-135A, dis-135B, dis-135C, dis-135D, dis-136, dis-136A, dis-136B, dis-136C, dis-136D, dis-137, dis-137A, dis-137B, dis-137C, dis-137D,디스틸레이션장치, 증류장치, 증류수장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼장치
V05-134, 1237, Vial, Clear Sample Vial with Cap, Clear Vial, 바이알, 투명 샘플 바이알 캡 일체형, 투명 바이알
81,190원~416,680원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column Accessory, Union, Teflon Connector, Sus Connector, Teflon Union, Sus Union, Connector, Union, Teflon Connector, Sus Connector, Teflon Union, Sus Union, Teflon Union, 2Way Straight, Reducing or Enlarging Type Union, Teflon Union, 3Way Union, 4Way Union, 2Way Straight and Reducing Type with PP Cap, 3Way Straight and Reducing Type with PP Cap, chc-te, uni-39, uni-40, uni-41, uni-42, uni-43, uni-44, uni-45, uni-46, 유니온, 유니언, 테프론유니온, 서스유니온, 테프론커넥터, 서스커넥터, 스와질락, 유사스와질락, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼악세서리, 크로마토래피컬럼악세사리, 컬럼, 칼람