1–18/26개 결과 표시
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle Adapter, Cover for Gas Washing Bottle, Adapter for Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler, Bubbler Adapter, Cover for Bubbler, Adapter for Bubbler, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, gas-61, 깨스세척병어뎁터, 깨스세척병커버, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 깨스세척튜브, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척병어뎁터, 까스세척병커버, 버블러, 버블러어뎁터, 버블러커버
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle with Self-Stand and Teflon Cock, with Filter Disc, Self-Stand and Teflon Cock, gas-59, gas-59A, gas-59B, gas-60, gas-60A, gas-60B, 깨스세척병, 세척병, 깨스세척튜브, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병
Condenser, Condenser with Glass Nipple, con-43, con-43A, con-43B, con-43C, con-43D, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Gas Washing Apparatus, Cooling Tube with GL Connector, gas-58, 쿨링튜브, 깨스세척튜브 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 임핀져
Condenser, Pilot Distillation Condenser, Double Coil, (without Reactor Clamp), Plot Condenser, for Distillation(without KP Type Clamp), con-40, con-41, 파이롯트 대형 증류 콘덴서대형증류콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용콘덴서, 콘덴서, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트장치콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 냉각기, 솔벤트장치냉각기, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 솔벤트용냉각기, 솔벤트냉각기
Condenser, Distillaton Condenser, Condenser for Distillation, Evaporatory Type, con-42, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Solvent Condenser, Condenser for Solvent, 솔벤트장치용 콘덴서, con-37, con-38, con-39, con-39-1, con-39-2, 솔벤트장치용콘덴서, 콘덴서, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트장치콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 냉각기, 솔벤트장치냉각기, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 솔벤트용냉각기, 솔벤트냉각기
Condenser, Distilling Condenser, Distilling Condenser, con-36, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Trap Type Condenser, con-35, 트랩타입콘덴서, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 코일콘덴서, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Distillation Condenser, Distillation Condenser Double Coil, Coil Condenser, Pilot Distillation Condenser, Double Coil, OD60~65, 80, 100mm, con-34, con-44, 대형콘덴서, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션냉각기, 디스틸링냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 더블코일콘덴서, 코일콘덴서 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Pilot Plant Condenser, Allihn Kronbitter Condenser with Baffle, con-32, con-33, 파이롯트콘덴서, 빠이로트콘덴서, 베플구관냉각기. 구관콘덴서, 파이롯트냉각기, 빠이로트냉각기, 구관냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Large Coil Distilling Condenser, Large Distilling Condenser, Distilling Condenser, con-31, con-31-1, con-31-2, 대형코일디스틸링콘덴서, 대형코일디스틸링콘덴서, 대형코일콘덴서, 대형디스틸레이션콘덴서, 대형증류콘덴서, 대형코일냉각기, 대형디스틸레이션냉각기, 대형증류냉각기, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Large Graham Condenser, Large Graham Condenser, Graham Condenser, con-30, con-30-1, 대형나사관콘덴서, 대형나사관콘덴서, 대형나사관냉각기, 나사관콘덴서, 나사관냉각기, 그레이엄콘덴서, 그레이엄냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 나사관 콘덴서, 나사관 냉각기
Condenser, Large Cool Coil Condenser, Large Coil Condenser, Coil Condenser, con-29, con-29-1, con-29-2, 대형코일콘덴서, 대형쿨코일콘덴서, 대형코일냉각기, 대형쿨코일냉각기, 코일콘덴서, 코일냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Large Dimroth Condenser, Large Dimroth Condenser, Large Reflux Condenser, Dimroth Condenser, Reflux Condenser, con-28, con-28-1, 대형리플럭스콘덴서, 대형딤로드콘덴서, 대형환류콘덴서, 대형리플럭스냉각기, 대형딤로드냉각기, 대형환류냉각기, 리플럭스냉각기, 딤로드냉각기, 환류냉각기, 리플럭스콘덴서, 딤로드콘덴서, 환류콘덴서, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 환류 냉각기, 환류 콘덴서
Condenser, Dewar, Vacuum Trap Type Dewar Flask, Double Coil Dimroth Condenser, con-25, con-26, con-27, 드와타입콘덴서, 베큠트랩타입콘덴서, 드와플라스크, 더블코일딤로드코덴서, 응용딤로드콘덴서, 응용딤로드냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
Condenser, Dry Ice Condenser, Glass Dewar Condenser, Evaporator Condenser, EYELA Type Condenser, con-22, con-23, con-24, 드와타입콘덴서, 드와플라스크, 이베퍼레이터콘덴서, 에바프레터콘덴서, 에버프레터콘덴서, 회전농축기콘덴서, 회전농축기용콘덴서, 회전농축기용냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기
92,400원~204,050원 -
Condenser, Friedrichs Condenser, Distillation Condenser, Cold Finger Condenser, con-16, con-17, con-18, con-19, con-20, con-21, con-21-1, 프리드리히콘덴서, 프리드리콘덴서, 프리드리냉각기, 디스틸링콘덴서, 디스틸레이션콘덴서, 증류콘덴서, 증류냉각기, 콜드핑거콘덴서, 콜드핑거냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기