일반초자기구(Glass Apparatus)
325–342/444개 결과 표시
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Sus Net, chc-10C, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피컬럼, 필터 크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
236,500원~346,500원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Sus Net, chc-10A, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피컬럼, 필터 크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
253,000원~401,500원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Sus Net, chc-10E, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피컬럼, 필터 크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
275,000원~423,500원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Sus Net, chc-10B, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피컬럼, 필터 크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
269,500원~418,000원 -
Column, Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Net Screen Support, Chromatographic Column with Teflon Union, Sus Union and Teflon Nipple, chc-7, chc-7A, chc-7B, chc-7C, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터이중크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
484,000원~830,500원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column Jacketed with GL Connecter or Glass Nipple, Single Type Column with Vigreux, Type A or Type B , Chromatographic Column Jacketed with GL Connecter or Glass Nipple and Glass Filter, Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, chc-18, chc-18-1, chc-19, chc-19-1, chc-42, 스크류크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 싱글크로마토그래피컬럼, 싱글타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 이중크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, Female Teflon Screw Column, Female Teflon Screw Jacketed Column, chc-16, chc-17, 스크류크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 자켓크로마토그래피컬럼, 이중크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Column, Chromatographic Column, Quartz Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Quartz Column,Quartz Tube for Furnace, A, B or C Type, chc-14, chc-15, chc-15-1, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 쿼츠크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, GL Male Screw and Sus Union, Pyrex Chromatographic Column, chc-13, GL스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 파이렉스크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Teflon Screw and Sus Union, chc-11, chc-12, 스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatographic Column, with Female Screw and Open Male Teflon Cap, without Filter, chc-08, chc-09, 스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Screw Type Chromatographic Column, with Female Screw and Closed Male Teflon Cap, Chromatographic Column, with Female Screw and Open Male Teflon Cap, chc-01, chc-02, chc-03, 스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Bubbler, Mini Bubbler, Small or Large Bubbler, Mini Bubbler with Hose Nipple, Mini Bubbler without Hose Nipple, Mini Bubbler with Teflon Union, bu-44, bu-45, bu-46, bu-46-1, bu-46-2, 버블러, 미니버블러, 깨스와싱보틀
Bubbler, Reactor Type Bubbler, Reactor Type Bubbler with Glass Filter and Tefloncock, Gas Washing Bottle, Jacketed Bubbler with Glass Filter, bu-42, bu-43, 버블러, 리엑터타입버블러, 리액터타입버블러, 질소퍼지버블러, 깨스와싱보틀
Bubbler, Reactor Type Bubbler, Reactor Type Bubbler with Glass Filter and Tefloncock, Gas Washing Bottle, Jacketed Bubbler with Glass Filter, bu-39, bu-40, bu-41, 버블러, 리엑터타입버블러, 리액터타입버블러, 질소퍼지버블러, 깨스와싱보틀
Bubbler, Gas Washing Bottle, Jacketed Bubbler with Glass Filter, bu-37, bu-38, 버블러, 자켓버블러, 이중버블러, 자켓타입버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱바틀, 까스와싱바틀
Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, In-Line, In-Line Oil Bubbler, In-Line, Inline Oil Bubbler, Pressure Tube, Pressure with Valve, bu-27, bu-28, bu-29, bu-30, 버블러, 오일버블러, 인라인오일버블러, 인라인버블러, 압력병, 압력튜브, 압력벨브
56,100원~165,000원 -
Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, Oil Bubbler, In-Line, In-Line Oil Bubbler, In-Line, Inline Oil Bubbler, bu-23, bu-24, bu-25, bu-26, 버블러, 오일버블러, 인라인오일버블러, 인라인버블러