일반초자기구(Glass Apparatus)
343–360/444개 결과 표시
Bubbler, Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler with Self Stand, Bubbler with Self Stand and Glass Filter , Bubbler with Screw Cap, Bubbler with Screw Cap and Glass Filter, bu-31, bu-32, bu-33, bu-34, 버블러, 가스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 깨스와싱보틀
72,270원~670,070원 -
Bubbler, Bubbler with Glass Filter and Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Glass Tube and Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Glass Filter, Screw Cap Bubbler, Teflon Cock and Hose Connecter, Glass Filter and Hose Connecter, bu-15, bu-16, bu-17, bu-18, bu-19, bu-20, bu-21, bu-22, 버블러, 버블러어뎁터, 버블러아답타
Bubbler, Bubbler with Glass Filter and Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Glass Tube and Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Glass Filter, Screw Cap Bubbler, bu-11, bu-12, bu-13, bu-14, bu-14-1, bu-14-2, bu-14-1 TYPE A, bu-14-1 TYPE B, bu-14-2 TYPE A, bu-14-2 TYPE B, 버블러, 버블러어뎁터, 버블러아답타
Bubbler, Bubbler with Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Glass Filter, Screw Cap Bubbler, bu-08, bu-09, bu-10, bu-09-1, bu-10-1, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
57,970원~159,500원 -
Bubbler, Bubbler with Teflon Screw Cap, Bubbler with Joint, Screw Cap Bubbler, bu-05, bu-06, bu-07, bu-06-1, bu-07-1, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
39,270원~158,500원 -
Bubbler, Buubbler with Glass Filter, Gas Distribution Tube, Type A, Type B, ㄱ Type Glass Bubbler, I Type Glass Bubbler, Glass Bubbler, Bubbler with Joint, bu-01, bu-02, bu-03, bu-04, bu-04-1, bu-04-2, bu-04-3, bu-01A, bu-02A, bu-03A, bu-04A, bu-04A-1, bu-04A-2, bu-04A-3, bu-01B, bu-02B, bu-03B, bu-04B, bu-04B-1, bu-04B-2, bu-04B-3, bu-04-4, bu-04-5, 버블러, 깨스분산튜브, 질소퍼지버블러 , 질소퍼지어뎁터, 게스분산튜브, 까스분산튜브, 께스분산튜브
Bottle, Culture Flask, Culture Flask with Teflon Hose Connector, Teflon Bottle with Hose Connector, Teflon Bottle, 1~5Neck Bottle, 1Neck Bottle, 2Neck Bottle, 3Neck Bottle, 4Neck Bottle, 5Neck Bottle, bot-21, bot-22, bot-23, bot-24, smre-68, smre-69, smre-70, smre-71, 컬처플라스크, 컬처프라스크, 1구컬처플라스크, 2구컬처플라스크, 3구컬처플라스크, 4구컬처플라스크, 5구컬처플라스크, 테프론캡컬처플라스크, 테ㅡ론컬처플라스크, 테프론컬처보틀, 테프론보틀, 테프론바틀, 보틀, 바틀
Bottle, Culture Flask, Culture Flask with Valve, Culture Flask with Joint, Bottle with Valve, Bottle with Joint, Screw Valve, Stop Cock, Schott Valve or CHOJALAB Screw Valve, with Joint, bot-17, bot-18, bot-19, bot-19-1, bot-20, bot-20-1, valve1718, 컬처플라스크, 쬬인트달린랩보틀, 죠인트달린랩보틀, 벨브달린랩보틀, 보틀, 바틀, 랩보틀
Bottle, Culture Flask, Culture Flask with Teflon Hose Connector, 4Neck Bottle, 5Neck Bottle, 6Neck Bottle, bot-11, bot-12, bot-13, bot-14, bot-15, bot-16, smre-56, smre-57, smre-58, smre-59, smre-60, smre-61, 컬처플라스크, 컬처프라스크, 1구컬처플라스크, 2구컬처플라스크, 3구컬처플라스크, 4구컬처플라스크, 5구컬처플라스크, 6구컬처플라스크, 테프론캡컬처플라스크
Bottle, Aspirator. Glass Aspirator, C.O.D Bottle, bot-05, bot-06, bot-07, 아스피레터, 아스피레이터, 그라스아스피레이터, 아스피레타, 유리증류수통, 증류통, 증류수통, 보틀, 바틀, COD보틀, COD바틀
Bell Jar, Bell Jar with Joint, Bell Jar with Flange, LG-BALLFP, LG-TSBALLFP, BALLFP, TSBALLFP, 벨자, 플랜지형벨자, 밸자, 쬬인트벨자, 죠인트벨자, 밸쟈, 벨쟈, 진공벨자, 진공벨쟈
Bell Jar, Bell Jar with Handle, Bell Jar with Flange, Bell Jar without Flange, LG-BALLFH, LG-BALLWO, BALLFH, BALLWO, 벨자, 핸들벨자, 밸자, 밸쟈, 벨쟈, 진공벨자, 진공벨쟈
Bell Jar, Bell Jar with Flange, TS Bell Jar, Joint Bell Jar, LG-BALLF, LG-BALLFF, LG-TSBALLF, BALLF, BALLFF, TSBALLF, 벨자, 티에스벨자, 쬬인트 벨자, 밸자, 죠인트 벨자, 밸쟈, 벨쟈, 진공벨자, 진공벨쟈
Apparatus, Hoffman Apparatus, 호프만 분해장치, 그라스장치, 유리실험기구장치, 장치, APP-56, APP-57
Apparatus, Hoffman Apparatus, 호프만 분해장치, 그라스장치, 유리실험기구장치, 장치, APP-54, APP-55
Extraction Apparatus, 1~4Neck Round Flask and Mantle Sets, Extraction Apparatus, 1~4Neck Round Flask and Mantle Sets, Solvent Distilling Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, APP-53, APP-53-1, APP-58, APP-59, APP-60, APP-60-1, 액상추출장치, 라운드플라스크 액상추출장치, 플라스크반응조 액상추출장치, 추출장치, 추출장치, 솔벤트증류장치, 솔벤트장치, 가양주 증류장치, 가양주장치, 증류장치
Apparatus, Hoffman Electrolysis Apparatus with Stand, Hoffman Apparatus, Hoffman, APP-51, APP-52, APP-54, APP-55, APP-56, APP-57, 호프만, 호프만 전기분해장치, 호프만 분해장치, 그라스장치, 유리실험기구장치, 장치
Apparatus, Solvent Distilling Apparatus, Solvent Distillation Apparatus, Solvent Distilling Apparatus with Screwcock-1ea, 2ea or Teflon 3Way Valve, APP-47, APP-47-1, APP-47-2, APP-48, APP-49, APP-50, 솔벤트증류장치, 솔벤트장치, 솔벤트용장치, 증류수장치, 그라스장치, 유리실험기구장치, 장치