일반초자기구(Glass Apparatus)
37–54/444개 결과 표시
Accessory Related Vacuum Line System, Schlenk Line System, Vacuum Line System, Vacuum Line, Schlenk line, Shielk Line, Manifold, manapp-50, 진공라인악세사리, 진공라인시스템관련악세사리, 진공라인시스템, 스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 일반진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지, 초자랩스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 니들밸브진공라인시스템, 더블진공라인시스템, 더블메니폴드진공라인시스템, 그라스오일배스진공라인시스템, 맨틀진공라인시스템, 베큠라인시스템, 쉬링크라인시스템, 메니폴더시스템, 진공라인, 베큠라인, 쉬링크라인, 실링크라인, 시링크라인
Vacuum Line System, Vacuum Line, Schlenk line, Shielk Line, Manifold, Mani-fold, Double Manifold with Screwcock, Double Manifold with Glass Cock, CHOJALAB, CHOJALAB Screwcock, Screwcock, PIRANI, PIRANI Vacuum Gague, Digital Vacuum Gague, Dial Vacuum Gague, Manometer, manapp-47, manapp-48, manapp-49, manapp-50, 고급형진공라인시스템, 진공라인시스템, 스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 고급진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지, 초자랩스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 니들밸브진공라인시스템, 더블진공라인시스템, 더블메니폴드진공라인시스템, 그라스오일배스진공라인시스템, 맨틀진공라인시스템, 베큠라인시스템, 쉬링크라인시스템, 메니폴더시스템, 진공라인, 베큠라인, 쉬링크라인, 실링크라인, 시링크라인
Vacuum Line System, Vacuum Line, Schlenk line, Shielk Line, Manifold, Mani-fold, Double Manifold with Screwcock, CHOJALAB, CHOJALAB Screwcock, Screwcock, PIRANI, PIRANI Vacuum Gague, Digital Vacuum Gague, Dial Vacuum Gague, Manometer, manapp-44, manapp-45, manapp-46, manapp-50, 일반형진공라인시스템, 진공라인시스템, 스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 일반진공게이지스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 피라니진공게이지, 초자랩스크류콕크진공라인시스템, 니들밸브진공라인시스템, 더블진공라인시스템, 더블메니폴드진공라인시스템, 그라스오일배스진공라인시스템, 맨틀진공라인시스템, 베큠라인시스템, 쉬링크라인시스템, 메니폴더시스템, 진공라인, 베큠라인, 쉬링크라인, 실링크라인, 시링크라인
Distillation Solvent Still Head with Side Joint, Type A, Type B, Type C , Distillation Solvent Still Head without Side Joint, dis-44, dis-44-1, dis-44-2, 디스틸레이션헤드, 디스틸링헤드, 디스틸레이션해드, 디스틸링해드, 증류헤드, 증류해드, 솔벤트헤드, 솔벤트증류헤드, 솔벤트해드, 솔벤트증류해드,솔벤트스틸헤드, 솔벤트증스틸류헤드, 솔벤트스틸해드, 솔벤트증류스틸해드
Trap, Vacuum Trap, with Joint and Joint Clamp, Vacuum Trap Adapter, with Teflon Cock or Glass Cock, tra-53, tra-54, tra-55, tra-56, 트랩, 진공트랩 , 진공트랩 어뎁터, 진공트랩어뎁터, 베큠트랩, 베큠트랩 어뎁터, 베큠트랩어뎁터, 버큠트랩 어뎁터, 버큠트랩어뎁터
Adapter, Adapter for Vacuum Gague, Adapter for Vacuum Gague, Adapter Related Vacuum, Adapter Related Pressure, AD-164, 어뎁터, 아답타, 진공게이지 어뎁터, 압력게이지어뎁터, 메니폴더관력진공게이지, 진공라인관련진공게이지, 쉬링크라인관련진공게이지
Cylinder, Glass Cylinder without Self Stand without Spout or Spout, Glass Cylinder with Self Stand, without Spout or with Spout, Linner, Glass Cylinder with Teflon Cock, with Spout and without Graduation, Glass Cylinder with Teflon Cock and Self Stand, with Spout and without Graduation, cyl-10, cyl-11, cyl-12, cyl-13, cyl-14, cyl-15, 실린더, 그라스실린더, 라이너, 메스실린더, 메스실린더, 매스실린더, 매스플라스크, 그라스메스실린더
Manifold, Double Manifold, Vacuum Line, Schlenk Line, with Screwcock, Vacuum Line, man-06b-1, man-07b-1, man-08b-1, man-09b-1,man-09b-2, 고급형메니폴드, 메니폴드, 싱글메니폴드, 더블메니폴드, 더블진공라인, 스크류콕크진공라인, 진공라인, 베큠라인, 버큠라인, 쉬링크라인, 실링크라인, 시링크라인, 매니폴드, 메니폴드진공라인
Manifold, Double Manifold, Vacuum Line, Mani-fold, Vacuum Line, Screwcock and Glass Cock, Schlenk Line, with Screwcock, Screw Cock and Double Screw Cock(CHOJALAB), Screw Cock and Double Screw Cock(Rotaflo, manhvc-01, manhvc-02, manhvc-03, manhvc-04, manhvc-05, manhvc-06, 메니폴드, 더블메니폴드, 매니폴드, 더블진공라인, 스크류콕크진공라인, 진공라인, 베큠라인, 버큠라인, 쉬링크라인, 실링크라인, 시링크라인, 매니폴드, 메니폴드진공라인
Test Tube, Joint Test Tube, Test Tube with Teflon Cock, ttub-05, ttub-06, 죠인트시험관, 시험관, 실험관
PBT Screw Cap Tube, No Pressure Tube, GL Cap Test Tube, pre-17, pre-17 Type A, pre-17 Type B, pre-18, pre-18 Type A, pre-18 Type B, 캡시험관, 스큐류캡시험관, GL캡시험관, 스크류시험관, 시험관, 씰튜브, 실튜브, 씰링튜브, 실튜브, 씰튜브
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column with Glass Filter or Sus Net, chc-10A, chc-10B, chc-10C, chc-10D, chc-10E, chc-10F, 필터스크류타입크로마토그래피컬럼, 필터크로마토래피컬럼, 필터 크로마토래피 컬럼, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피 컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
253,000원~423,500원 -
Chromatographic Column, Chromatographic Column without Viton Tubing, with Viton Tubing, Acetal, Teflon Adapter and Sus Net, CHOJALAB, chc-30, chc-31, chc-32, chc-96412-13, chc-96412-14, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 컬럼, 칼람
522,500원~754,600원 -
Pressure Tube, Seal Tube, Pressure Vessel, Male Teflon Screw and Female Glass Screw, with Under Sealing Viton O-ring and Top Sealing Viton O-ring, pre-03C, pre-03D, 압력병, 실튜브, 씰링튜브, 프레셔튜브, 압력튜브, 압력용기
Dean Stock, Moisture test, with Teflon Cock or Joint, Distillation Receiver, Dean Stock Trap, Trap, Distilling Receiver, moi-01, moi-02, moi-03, moi-04, 딘스탁트랩, 딘스탁, 테프론콕크딘스탁, 수분트랩, 수분리시버, 수분수기, 수분테스트기, 디스틸링리시버, 리시버. 증류리시버
78,100원~1,130,900원 -
Bell Jar, Bell Jar with Flange, Bell Jar with Glass Joint Funnel, Bell Jar with Filtering Apparatus, Ball Jar Base, Ball Jar Supporter, LG-BALLFAS, LG-BALLFBS, LG-BALLFCS, LG-BALLFDS, LG-BALLFES, LG-BALLFFS, LG-BALLBASE, BALLFAS, BALLFBS, BALLFCS, BALLFDS, BALLFES, BALLFFS, BALLBASE, 벨자, 펀넬용벨자, 필터링펀넬용벨자, 플랜지형벨자, 밸자, 쬬인트벨자, 종, 죠인트벨자, 벨자베이스, 벨자서포터, 밸자, 밸쟈, 벨쟈
Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler, Impinger, Vacuum Trap, Gas Washing Bottle and Adapter, Bubbler and Adapter, Impinger and Adapter or Vacuum Trap and Adapter, bu-78, bu-78A, bu-78B, bu-78C, bu-78D, 버블러, 인핀저, 까스와싱보틀, 깨스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 인핀져, 임핀저, 임핀져, 트랩, 베큠트랩, 진공트랩, 버큠트랩
Bubbler, Bubbler Sets, Gas Washing with GL45 Screwcap, GL14 Connector and without Glass Filter, with GL45 Screwcap, Glass Nipple Connector and with Glass Filter, Bubbler, Gas Washing with GL45 Screwcap, GL14 Connector and with Glass Filter, Gas Washing Bottle, without Glass Filter or with Glass Filter, Gas Washing Bottle with Teflon Cock, bu-69, bu-69-1, bu-69-2, bu-69-3, bu-70, bu-70-1, bu-70-2, bu-70-3, bu-71, bu-71-A, bu-71-B, bu-71-C, bu-71-D, bu-71, bu-72-A, bu-72-B, bu-72-C, bu-72-D, 버블러, 까스와싱보틀, 깨스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀