일반초자기구(Glass Apparatus)
91–108/444개 결과 표시
Bubbler System, Bubbler, Bubbler Reactor System, 1~5Neck Flask Reactor or Beaker Reactor, Mantl or Overhead Stirrer Sets, Type A, Type B , bu-61, bu-61-A, bu-61-B, bu-62, bu-62-A, bu-62-B, 버블러, 버블러시스템, 버블러 리엑터 시스템
Condenser, Pilot Distillation Condenser, Double Coil, (without Reactor Clamp), Plot Condenser, for Distillation(without KP Type Clamp), con-40, con-41, 파이롯트 대형 증류 콘덴서대형증류콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용콘덴서, 콘덴서, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트장치콘덴서, 솔벤트장치용 냉각기, 솔벤트장치냉각기, 솔벤트콘덴서, 솔벤트냉각기, 콘덴서, 냉각기, 솔벤트용냉각기, 솔벤트냉각기
Dutch Coffee Apparatus Sets, Dutch Tank, Dutch, Dutch Coffee, dut-10-, dut-11-, dut-12, dut-13-, 더치커피장치, 더치텡크. 더치커피, 더치
Chromatographic Column, Column, Chromatographic Column Teflon Adapter #25 or #36, Sus Net or Glass Filter, CHOJALAB, chc-40, chc-41, 대용량크로마토그래피컬럼, 대용량컬럼, 대용량칼람, 크로마토래피컬럼, 크로마토래피칼람, 싱글컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Trap, Evaporating Trap, Antisplash Splash-Guard Adapter, Evaporator Bump Trap, Fritted, tra-45, tra-45-1, tra-45-2, tra-46, tra-46-1, tra-47, tra-47-1, tra-47-2, tra-48 ,tra-48-1, 트랩, 회전농축기용트랩, 회전농축기트랩, 이베포레이터트랩, 에바프레터트랩, 도람푸, 도람프
Adapter, GL14 or GL18 Connector with Joint, GL Adapter, GL Tubing Adapter, GL Tubing Connector, AD-154, AD-155,어뎁터, 아답타, 지엘커넥터, 튜빙어뎁터, GL튜빙어뎁터, GL커넥터
Bottle, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter, Erlenmeyer Flask and Adapter, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter, gas-48, gas-49, gas-50, gas-51, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Bubbler System, Bubbler, Bubbler without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Bubbler with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, bu-59, bu-60, bu-59-(gas-46-), bu-60-(gas-47-), 버블러, 버블러시스템, 께스와싱보틀시스템, 깨스와싱보틀, 께스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle, Gas Washing Bottle without Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, Gas Washing Bottle with Glass Filter & with Self-Stand, TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C, TYPE D, gas-46, gas-47, 깨스세척병, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스세척병, 까스세척보틀, 까스와싱보틀
Bead, Distillation Apparatus, Glass Bead, Glass Bead for Distillation Column, Quartz Bead, Quartz Bead for Distillation Column, Quartz Tubing, beadg-01, beadq-01, 비드, 유리비드, 유리구슬, 그라스비드, 석영비드, 쿼츠비드, 석영튜비드
Dewar Flask, Dewar Bottle, Dewar Flask Cold Trap set, KG-1, KG-2, 드와 플라스크, 드와보틀
Distillation, Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Head, Distillation Head A Type, Distillation Head B Type, Distillation Head C Type, Distillation Head, Distilling Head, dis-31, dis-32, dis-32-1, dis-33, 증류장치, 증류헤드. 증류용해드, 증류해드, 증류헤드, 디스틸레이션헤드, 증류해드, 디스틸링해드, 디스틸레이션해드, 디스틸링헤드
649,000원~695,200원 -
Acrylic Supporter(bubber), Acrylic Supporter(flow meter), Acrylic Supporter(separatory funnel), UV Lamp Cover, acsb-01, acsb-02, acsb-03, acsb-04, 아크릴가공품
Autoclave Bottle, Pressure Bottle, Stainless and Teflon, sat-03, 오토크레이브보틀, 오토크레이브반응기, 오토크레이브반응조, 수혈반응기
P.A.S Sampler, PAS Sampler, Stainless, sat-02, 셈플러, pas셈플러, 피에에스셈플러,스테인레스셈플러
UV Reactor, Poto Reactor, Stainless and Acrylic, sat-01, 유브이리엑터, 포토리액터, 유브이리액터, 포토리엑터
Tray, Teflon Wafer Tray, Chip Tray, Single Chip Tray, Double Chip Tray, Coating Carrier, Coaing Tray, Slide Glass Tray, Cover Glass Tray, twt-01, twt-02, twt-03, twt-04, 칩트레이, 트레이, 테프론웨이퍼트레이, 웨이퍼트레이, 싱글웨이퍼트레이, 더블웨이퍼트레이, 슬라이드그라스트레이, 커버글라스트레이, 트레이, 칩케리어, 케리어, 코팅케리어
Teflon cap, Teflon Cover, tef-06, tef-07, tef-08, tef-09, tef-10, 테프론캡, 테프론캡커버, 테프론뚜껑, 테프론스토퍼