Vacuum Trap(베큠트랩)
19–36/44개 결과 표시
Adapter, Cover for Gas Washing Bottle, Bubbler, Impinger or Vacuum Trap, without Bottle, AD-149, AD-149A, AD-149B, AD-149C, AD-149D, 어뎁터, 아답타, 깨스와싱보틀커버, 가스와싱보틀커버, 께스와싱보틀커버, 버블러커버, 임핀저커버, 베큠트랩커버, 께스와싱보틀어뎁터, 버블러어뎁터, 임핀저어뎁터, 베큠트랩어뎁터
Adapter, Pressure Gague or Pressure Valve, Screwcock with Joint, AD-148, AD-148A, AD-148B, AD-148C, AD-148D, AD-148E, AD-148F, AD-148G, AD-148H, AD-148I, AD-148J, AD-148K, 아답타, 어덥터, 압력게이지어덥터, 프레셔게이지어덥터, 압력벨브어덥터, 프레셔벨브어덥터, 압력게이지, 프레셔게이지, 압력벨브, 압력밸브, 프레셔벨브, 프레셔밸브
Adapter, Vacuum Gague or Pressure Gague, Screwcock with Joint, AD-142, AD-143, AD-145, AD-146, AD-147, 아답타, 어덥터, 진공어뎁터, 베큠게이지, 압력게이지, 프레셔게이지
Dean Stock, Distillation Apparatus, Distillation Head, Dean Stock with Glass Cock, Moisture test, Dean Stock Moisture test, Dean Stock Trap, Distilling Receiver, Moisture Trap with Teflon Cock, Dean Stock with Teflon Cock, moi-17, moi-18, moi-19, moi-20, moi-21, moi-22, moi-23, moi-24, 증류헤드, 증류딘스탁, 수분트랩, 딘스탁트랩, 딘스탁, 수분트랩, 수분리시버, 수분수기, 수분테스트기, 디스틸링리시버, 리시버, 증류리시버
Trap, Vacuum Trap, Single Type Vacuum Trap, tra-44, 일체형 진공트랩, 진공트랩, 트랩세트, 베큠트랩, 버큠트랩, 베큠트랩세트, 트랩
Trap, Vacuum Trap, Long Neck Flask Type Vacuum Trap, Long Neck Flask Type Vacuum Trap and Dewar Flask Sets, Dewar Flask, Dewar Bottle, tra-42, tra-43, KG-1, KG-2, 드와플라스크, 드와보틀대용량트랩, 진공트랩, 트랩세트, 베큠트랩, 버큠트랩, 베큠트랩세트, 베큠트랩드와플라스크세트, 진공트랩세트, 진공트랩드와플라스크세트
Shielk Flask, Shielk Tube, with Ace Type Screw Cock, Trap, with J Young Screw Cock, tra-39A, tra-39B, tra-39C, tra-40A, tra-40B, tra-40C, tra-41A, tra-41B, tra-41C, 쉬링크튜브, 실링크튜브, 시링크튜브, 쉬링크플라스크, 실링크플라스크, 시링크플라스크, 트랩
Shielk Tube, with Ace Type Screw Cock, Trap, with J Young Screw Cock, tra-33A, tra-33B, tra-34A, tra-34B, tra-35A, tra-35B, tra-36A, tra-36B, tra-37A, tra-37B, tra-38A, tra-38B, 쉬링크튜브, 실링크튜브, 시링크튜브, 트랩
128,370원~237,600원 -
Trap, for Vacuum Line, tra-31, tra-32,, 트랩, 진공라인용트랩, 베큠라인용트랩, 쉬링크라인용트랩, 시링크라인용트랩
Shielk Flask, Gas Sensitive, Round Bottom Flask with Glass Cock, Teflon Cock or Glass Tube, tra-27, tra-27-1, tra-28, tra-28-1, wh.224100.060, 쉬링크튜브, 쉬링크 플라스크, 실링크튜브, 실링크 플라스크, 시링크튜브, 시링크 플라스크
Trap, Trap for Cold Trap, Bottle Type, Reactor Type, tra-25, tra-25A, tra-25B, tra-26, tra-28, tra-29, tra-30, 트랩, 콜드트랩, 콜드트랩용트랩, 보틀타입진공트랩, 리엑터타입진공트랩, 진공트랩, 베큠트랩, 버블러, 버큠트랩, 보틀타입트랩, 리엑터타입트랩
Trap, Bubbler, Bottle Type, Reactor Type, tra-23, tra-24, 트랩, 보틀타입진공트랩, 리엑터타입진공트랩, 진공트랩, 베큠트랩, 버블러, 버큠트랩, 보틀타입트랩, 리엑터타입트랩
Trap, Vacuum Trap, with Hose Nipple, Oil Trap, Oil Bubber, Vacuum Trap Joint and Self-Stand, tra-20, tra-20-1, tra-21, tra-22 트랩, 진공트랩, 베큠트랩, 오일버블러, 오일트랩, 버큠트랩
44,000원~500,500원 -
Trap, shielk Tube, Gas Sensitive, Inert Gas, Filter Disc, with Teflon Cock or Glass Cock, tra-13, tra-14, tra-15, tra-13-1, tra-14-1, tra-15-1, 트랩, 쉬링크튜브, 실링크튜브, 트랩, 시링크튜브, 진공트랩, 베큠트랩. 버큠트랩, 진공콜드트랩, 콜드트랩,베큠진공트랩
Trap, shielk Tube, Gas Sensitive, Inert Gas, Filter Disc, with Teflon Cock or Glass Cock, tra-10, tra-11, tra-11-1, tra-12, 트랩, 쉬링크튜브, 실링크튜브, 트랩, 진공트랩, 베큠트랩. 버큠트랩, 진공콜드트랩, 콜드트랩,베큠진공트랩
Dean Stock, Moisture test, Dean Stock Moisture test, with Burett and Teflon Cock, Distillation Receiver, Dean Stock Trap, Trap, Distilling Receiver, moi-16, 딘스탁트랩, 딘스탁, 수분트랩, 수분리시버, 수분수기, 수분테스트기, 디스틸링리시버, 리시버. 증류리시버
Dean Stock, Moisture test, Dean Stock Moisture test, with Glass Cock, Distillation Receiver, Dean Stock Trap, Trap, Distilling Receiver, moi-10, moi-11, moi-12, moi-13, moi-14, moi-15, 딘스탁트랩, 딘스탁, 그라스콕크딘스탁, 수분트랩, 수분리시버, 수분수기, 수분테스트기, 디스틸링리시버, 리시버. 증류리시버
69,850원~232,100원 -
Adapter, Connector, Union, Teflon Connector, Sus Connector, Teflon Union, Sus Union, Teflon Union, 2Way Straight, Reducing or Enlarging Type Union, Teflon Union, 3Way Union, 4Way Union, 2Way Straight and Reducing Type with PP Cap, 3Way Straight and Reducing Type with PP Cap, chc-te, uni-39, uni-40, uni-41, uni-42, uni-43, uni-44, uni-45, uni-46, 유니온, 유니언, 테프론유니온, 서스유니온, 테프론커넥터, 서스커넥터, 스와질락, 유사스와질락