일반 리엑터시스템
19–36/39개 결과 표시
Distillation Apparatus, Column, No Silver Coating, Jacketed Distillation Column, Perforated Plate, ngle Distillation Column, Perforated Plate, Silver Coated Distillation Jacketed Column with Perforated Plate, Silver Coated Distillation Jacketed Column with Vigrux, Silver Coated Distillation Column with Flange, (PYREX.국내제작), dis-124, dis-124-1, dis-125, dis-126, dis-127, dis-128, dis-129, 컬럼, 칼람, 내열실버코팅 600도, 실버코팅증류컬럼, 실버코팅증류칼람, 증류탑장치, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Beaker Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, Distillation Bottle Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, Distillation Flask Reactor with Distilling Column Sets, dis-121, dis-122, dis-123, 증류탑장치, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Flask Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation 1~6Neck Round Flask with Column Sets, dis-115, dis-116, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Distilling Apparatus, Distillation Jacketed Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation Beaker Reactor with Column Sets, Distillation Bottle Reactor with Column Sets, dis-112, dis-113, dis-114, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 증류컬럼, 증류칼람, 컬럼, 칼람, 증류헤드, 증류해드
Distillation Apparatus, Small Pilot Plant Reactor, Jacketed Reactor with Drain Valve, Beaker Reactor with Drain Valve, Bottle Reactor with Drain Valve, Flask Reactor with Drain Valve, Frame Sets, Distillation Column, Distilling Column, dis-117, dis-118, dis-119, dis-120, 디스틸레이션장치와프레임, 디스틸링장치와프레임, 증류장치와프레임, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 디스틸링컬럼, 디스틸링콘덴서
Bubbler System, Bubbler, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor and Digital Mantle, 1~5Neck Beaker Reactor and Digital Hot Plate, 1~5Neck Flask Reactor, 1~5Neck Flask Reactor and Mantle, 1~5Neck Round Flask, 1~5Neck Round Flask and Mantle, bu-51, bu-52, bu-53, bu-54, bu-55, bu-56, bu-57, bu-58, 버블러, 버블러시스템, 께스와싱보틀시스템, 리엑터버블러시스템, 일반버블러시스템, 깨스와싱보틀, 께스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀
General Reactor System, 1~5Neck Flask Reactor Set, 1~5Neck Flask Reactor and Digital Mantle Sets, 1~5Neck Round Flask Set, 1~5Neck Round Flask and Digital Mantle Sets, gras-49, gras-50, gras-51, gras-52, gras-53, gras-54, gras-55, gras-56, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반핫플레이트합성장치, 일반반응조장치, 일반리엑터장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 비이커반응조
Small Pilot Plant Reactor, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock Drain Valve, Frame Sets, Multi Frame, gsps-30, gsps-31, 스몰파이롯트반응조세트, 스몰파이롯트반응조세트, 멀티프레임이중반응조세트, 스몰 비이커 반응조 프레임세트, 프레임콕크부비이커반응조세트, 프레임콕크부비이커, 콕크부비이커반응조세트,콕크부비이커반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, Mantle and Overhead Stirrer, General Vacuum Reactor System, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, Mantle, Magnetic Drive and Overhead Stirrer, gras-39, gras-40, gras-41, gras-42, gras-43, gras-44, gras-45, gras-46, gras-47, gras-48, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반진공합성장치, 일반진공리엑터시스템일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 플라스크반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Flask, Digital Mantle and Bubbler, Bubbler, gras-37, gras-38, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반버블러장치, 일반버블러리엑터시스템, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 버블러장치, 버블러, 플라스크반응조
General Reactor System, distillation Apparatus, 1~6Neck Flask Type Reactor and Mantle, 1~6Neck Flask Type Reactor, Mantle and Overhead Stirrer, Beaker Reactor and Mantle, gras-32, gras-33, gras-34, gras-35, gras-36, 약탕.침기, 약침기, 약탕기, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 플라스크반응조, 비이커반응조
General Reactor System, distillation Apparatus, 1~4Neck Beaker Type Reactor and Mantle Sets, gras-29, gras-30, gras-31, 약탕.침기, 약침기, 약탕기, 증류장치, 디스틸레이션장치, 디스틸링장치, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반로타맨틀합성장치, 일반로타맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 비이커반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck TS Round Flask and Rota Mantle, 1~6Neck Flask Type Reactor and Rota Mantle, 1~6Neck Beaker Type Reactor and Rota Mantle, gras-26, gras-27, gras-28, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반로타맨틀합성장치, 일반로타맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 일반라운드플라스크장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 비이커반응조, 로타맨틀
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Flask Type Reactor and Rota Mantle, 1~6Neck Beaker Type Reactor and Rota Mantle, 1~6Neck TS Round Flask,Rota Mantle and Temperature Controller, gras-17, 1~6Neck Flask Type Reactor,Rota Mantle and Temperature Controller, 1~6Neck Beaker Type Reactor, Rota Mantle and Temperature Controller, gras-21, gras-22, gras-23, gras-24, gras-25, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반로타맨틀합성장치, 일반로타맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 일반라운드플라스크장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 비이커반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Bottle Reactor, Mantle(Digital) and Stirrer Controller, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, Mantle(Digital) and Stirrer Controller, 1~6Neck Beaker Reactor, Mantle(Digital) and Stirrer Controller, 1~6Neck TS Round Flask and Rota Mantle, gras-17, gras-18, gras-19, gras-20, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반보틀반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 라운드플라스크장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조비이커반응조, 보틀반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Bottle Reactor, Mantle with Controller and Overhead Stirrer, 1~6Neck Beaker Reactor, Mantle(Digital) and Overhead Stirrer, 1~6Neck Flask Reactor, Mantle(Digital) and Overhead Stirrer, gras-13, gras-14, gras-15, gras-16, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반온도조절기맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반보틀반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 보틀반응조, 비이커반응조
General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Beaker Type Reactor and Hotplate Stirrer with Sensor, General Reactor System, 1~6Neck Jacketed Reactor and Stirrer, gras-11, gras-12, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반온도핫플레이트합성장치, 일반온도조절기리엑터시스템, 일반핫플레이트합성장치, 일반핫플레이트리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 일반이중반응조장치, 비이커반응조, 이중반응조, 자켓반응조
1~6Neck TS Round Flask Type Reactor and Mantle with Temperature Controller, 1~6Neck Round Flask Type Reactor and Mantle with Temperature Controller, 1~6Neck Beaker Type Reactor and Mantle with Temperature Controller, gras-08, gras-09, gras-10, 일반합성장치, 일반리엑터시스템, 일반온도조절기합성장치, 일반온도조절기리엑터시스템, 일반맨틀합성장치, 일반맨틀리엑터시스템, 일반반응조장치, 일반보틀반응조장치, 일반라운드플라스크장치, 일반플라스크반응조장치, 일반비이커반응조장치, 라운드플라스크, 플라스크반응조, 비이커반응조