일반초자기구(Glass Apparatus)
433–444/444개 결과 표시
Condenser, Graham Condenser, con-01, con-01-1, con-02, 콘덴서, 나사관냉각기, 나사관콘덴서, 그레이엄냉각기, 그레이엄콘덴서, 그라함콘덴서, 나사관 냉각기, 나사관 콘덴서
45,100원~154,000원 -
Column, Chromatography Column with Teflon Cock, col-01, col-01-1, col-01-2, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
40,150원~92,730원 -
Column, Chromatography Column with Teflon Cock and Joint, col-03, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
Chromatography Column, W/ Teflon Cock, Joint and Glass Filter Disc, col-04, 크로마토그래피컬럼
Column, Chromatography Column with Teflon Cock and Glass Filter Disc, col-02, 크로마토그래피컬럼, 컬럼, 칼람
15,540원~151,800원 -
Bubbler, Gas Washing with GL45 Screwcap, Glass Nipple Connector and without Cylinder Type Glass Filter, Bubbler, GL14 Connector and without Cylinder Type Glass Filter, Gl14 Connector and with Plate Type Glass Filter, bu-35, bu-35-1, bu-35-2, bu-35-3, bu-36, bu-36-1, 버블러, 깨스와싱보틀, 까스와싱보틀, 가스와싱보틀, 가스와싱바틀, 까스와싱바틀
66,220원~143,000원 -
Bottle, Filtering Bottle, SCHOTT Laboratory Bottle, PYREX Laboratory Bottle, bot-01, bot-02, bot-03, bot-04, 보틀, 랩보틀, 실험보틀, 바틀, 랩바틀, 파이렉스보틀, 파이렉스바틀
Boat, SCHOTT Glass Tubing Borosilicate 3.3, 보트, PYREX Boat, boa-01, 파이렉스보트
Bell Jar, Bell Jar with Flange, TS Bell Jar, Joint Bell Jar, LG-BALLFPO, LG-BALLFFPOO, LG-TSBALLFPO, TSBALLFFPOO, BALLFPO, BALLFFPOO, TSBALLFPO, TSBALLFFPOO, 벨자, 티에스벨자, 쬬인트 벨자, 밸자, 죠인트 벨자, 밸쟈, 벨쟈, 진공벨자, 진공벨쟈
124,740원~1,287,000원 -
Beaker, SCHOTT DURAN, PYREX, DURAN Beaker, SCHOTT Beaker, PYREX Beaker, Handle Beaker, Kettle, bea-03, bea-04, bea-05, bea-06, 듀란비이커, 파이렉스비이커, 비이커, 비커, 핸들비이커, 주전자
Adapter, Vacuum Gague, Vacuum Gague, Vacuum Reactor Manifold, Packing Reservoir, Screwcock with Joint, AD-55, AD-56, AD-57, AD-58, AD-59, AD-60, AD-61, AD-62, AD-63, 어뎁터, 아답타, 진공어뎁터, 베큠게이지, 압력게이지, 패킹리시버, 니들밸브, 진공밸브, 프레셔릴리프밸브, 압력릴리브밸브, 니들밸브, 스크류밸브
75,900원~473,000원 -
Funnel, Dropping Funnel, jacketed Funnel, jacket FunnelDropping Funnel, fun-33, 펀넬, 드로핑펀넬, 자켓펀넬, 이중드로핑펀넬