실험기자재 판매제품
235–252/1616개 결과 표시
Frame, Stand Type Frame Reactor System, Jacketed Reactor or Beaker with Screwcock and Frame Sets, frame-16, frame-17, frame-18, 스텐드형프레임, 스텐드프레임, 프래임, 반응조프레임, 반응조프래임, 반응기프레임, 반응기프래임, 스텐드형프래임, 스텐드프래임
Frame, Single Frame, Multi Frame, Single or Multi Frame Reactor System, Jacketed or Beaker Reactor with Screwcock and Frame Sets, frame-10, frame-11, frame-12, frame-13, frame-14, frame-15, 멀티프레임, 프레임, 프래임, 반응조프레임, 반응조프래임, 반응기프레임, 반응기프래임, 멀티프래임
Frame, Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock and Frame, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock and Frame, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock, Mantle and Frame, frame-04, frame-05, frame-06, 중급형프레임, 교반기 내부 컨트롤러, 교반기 싸이드 위치, 경제형프레임, 교반기 내부 컨트롤러, 교반기 싸이드 위치, 프레임, 프래임, 반응조프레임, 반응조프래임, 반응기프레임, 반응기프래임, 중급형프래임
Frame, Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock and Frame, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock and Frame, Beaker Reactor with Screwcock, Mantle and Frame, frame-07, frame-08, frame-09, 경제형프레임, 교반기 내부 컨트롤러, 교반기 싸이드 위치, 프레임, 프래임, 반응조프레임, 반응조프래임, 반응기프레임, 반응기프래임, 경제형프래임
Graded Seal, Sus Flange to Glass(Borosilicate 3.3), pyr-11, 그레디드씰, 그레디드실, 파이렉스와메탈플렌지, 파이렉스와메탈씰
Vacuum Pump, Gast Pump, Filtering Pump, Pump, GASTVP, 소형진공펌프, 진공펌프, 필터용펌프, 필터링펌프, 게스트펌프, 베큠펌프, 버귬펌프
Support Jack, Stand, Overhead Stirrer Stand, supj-01, supj-01-, 서포트잭, 서포트짹, 써포트잭, 써포트짹, 짹, 스텐드, 스탠드
Neck Clamp with pipe-2ea, Stainless, Band with Pipe, Band, Reactor Clamp, Clamp, Band, Clamp, cla-22, 넥클램프, 클램프, 파이프달린클램프, 반응조클램프, 반응기클램프, 반도, 프래임용클램프, 프레임용클램프, 스텐드거치용클램프
Clamp, KP Type Clamp, KP Type Clamp, Quick Release Clamp, for Beaker Reactor with Screwcock or Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock, kpcla-20, 클램프, KP타입클램프, 킥릴리즈반응조클램프, 반응조클램프, 반응기클램프, 콕크부비이커용반응조클램프, 콕크부이중반응조용반응조클램프, 콕크부이중반응조용반응조클램프, 프레임거치용반응조클램프
Clamp, KP Type Clamp, Clamp for Flask, Beaker, Jacketed Reactor, Pressure Beaker Reactor or Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock, Pressure Beaker Reactor or Jacketed Reactor with Screwcock, kpcla-17, kpcla-18, kpcla-19, 클램프, KP타입클램프, 반응조클램프, 반응기클램프, 압력용반응조클램프, 압력용반응기클램프, 진공용반응조클램프, 진공용반응기클램프, 압력진공용반응조클램프, 압력진공용반응기클램프, 플라스크용반응조클램프, 비이커용반응조클램프, 이중반응조용반응조클램프, 콕크부이중반응조용반응조클램프, 스텐드거치용반응조클램프, 프레임거치용반응조클램프
Clamp, ㄷType Reactor Clamp, Reactor Clamp, S Type Frame Holder, S Type Holder, Frame Holder, Frame Clamp, Pressure Joint Clip, Pressure Joint Clamp, Joint Clip, cla-14, cla-15, cla-16, 클램프, ㄷ타입반응조클램프, S타입클램프, S타입홀더, 압력쬬인트클램프, 압력스텐레스죠인트클램프, 압력서스죠인트클램프, 압력SUS클램프, 압력용죠인트클랩프, 압력용죠인트클립, S타입프레임홀더, 홀더
Clamp, Stirrer Holder, Joint Clamp, SUS Clamp, Joint Clip, Taper Clip, Ball Joint Clamp, Frame Holder, Frame Clamp, 2P Clamp, 2P, cla-10, cla-11, cla-12, cla-13, 클램프, 죠인트클램프, 쬬인트클램프, 스텐레스죠인트클램프, 서스죠인트클램프, SUS클램프, 볼죠인트클램프, 프레임홀더, 홀더, 2P 클램프, 2P클램프
Clamp, Stirrer Holder, Jumbo Holder, Jumbo Holder, Clamp Holder, Joint Clamp, Joint Clamp, Joint Clip, Taper Clip, Plastic Joint Clamp, PTFE Joint Clamp, PTFE Joint Clip, Clip, Extention Ring, Extention Type Ring, cla-07, cla-08, cla-09, 클램프, 교반기클램프, 점보홀더, 클램프홀더, 스터러홀더, 죠인트클램프. 쬬인트클램프, 조인트클램프, 플라스틱죠인트클램프, 테프론죠인트클램프, 테프론죠인트클립, PTFE 죠인트클립, 클립,익스텐션링, 링, 익스탠션링, 링
Clamp, Chain Clamp, 3P Clamp, 2P Clamp, Clamp Holder, 3P, cla-04, cla-05, cla-06, 클램프, 체인클램프, 3P 클램프, 3P클램프, 클램프홀더, 홀더
Small Reactor System, Round Flask Apparatus and Heating Apparatus with Glass Bath Sets, sres-19, sres-20, 스몰합성장치, 스몰리엑터시스템, 스몰반응조장치, 스몰리엑터장치, 라운드플라스크세트, 라운드플라스크, 배스, 그라스배스, 오일배스, 디쉬, 쟈, 자
UV Reactor, Poto Reactor, UV Reactor Cover, Adapter and UV Lamp, uvrc-01, uvrc-01-A, uvrc-01-A, uvrc-01-B, uvrc-01-C, uvrc-01-D, uvrc-01-E, uvrc-01-F, uvrc-01-G, uvrc-01-H, 광반응기, UV리엑터, 포토리엑터, 포토리액터, 유브이반응기, 유브이리엑터, 유브이비이커리엑터, 유브이광반응기, 유브이반응조커버타입, 유브이반응조커버, 유브이아답타타입, 유브이어뎁터타입
Adapter, Cell, Ball Type Cell, Cylinder Type Cell, Liquid Cell, Adsorption Cell, AD-162, AD-163, 어뎁터, 아답타, 셀, 용액셀, 흡착셀, 쎌
TS 1Neck Bottom Flat Flask,RBFF,Sphrical, Flask with Joint, 일체형 TS Flask, LG-RBFF1N-L, LG-RBFFN-L, RBFFN-L, RBFFN, RBFF, 1구 평저 플라스크, 1구평플라스크, 1구평프라스크, 평플라스크, 평프라스크